i ‘ 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSIGNP 2 2-3 9;. ‘ 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON l 3 In the Matter of the ) STIPULATION OF FACTS AND 4 Educator License of ) FINAL ORDER OF i 5 DANIEL LEE JAMES SHELTON ) PROBATION i g On April 25, 2014, the Commission, as part of Shelton’s application for student i 8 teaching, referred Daniel Lee James Shelton (Shelton) to investigation for violation of . 9 professional practices standards regarding his background history. i 1O After review of the matters alleged, Shelton and the Commission agree that their 1 1 respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation t0 i i 12 certain facts and the imposition of a period of probation. 13 By signing below, Shelton acknowledges, understands, stipulates, and agrees to 14 the following: (i) he has been fully advised of his rights to notice and a hearing to contest 15 the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order set forth below, and fully and finally 16 waives all such rights and any rights to appeal or otherwise challenge this Stipulation of 17 Facts and Final Order of Probation (Stipulation and Final Order); (ii) this Stipulation 18 and Final Order is a public document and disclosed to the public upon request by the 19 Commission; (iii) this Stipulation and Final Order is contingent upon and subject to 20 approval and adoption by the Commission. If the Commission does not approve and 21 adopt this Stipulation and Final Order, then neither Shelton nor the Commission are 22 bound by the terms herein; (iv) he has fully read this Stipulation and Final Order, and 23 understands it completely; (v) he voluntarily, without any force or duress, enters into 24 this Stipulation and Final Order and consents to issuance and entry of the Stipulated 25 Final Order below; (vi) he states that no promise or representation has been made to 26 induce him to sign this Stipulation and Final Order; and (vii) he has consulted with an 27 attorney regarding this Stipulation and Final Order and has been fully advised with 28 regard to his rights thereto, or waives any and all rights to consult with an attorney prior 29 to entering into this Stipulation and Final Order and issuance and entry of the Stipulated 3O Final Order below. , 31 STIPULATION OF FACTS i 32 1. Daniel Lee James Shelton has never been licensed by the Commission. Shelton made 33 application for student teaching (PA-1) on April 25, 2014. The Commission has 34 jurisdiction over persons enrolled in approved teacher education institutions or 35 programs as defined in ORS 342.175 (2). Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PROBATION - DANIEL LEE JAMES SHELTON 1 2. On April 25, 2014, the Commission received Shelton’s application for student teaching. 2 As part of Shelton's application, Shelton properly answered “Yes” to character questions 3 related to his past criminal history. Upon request, Shelton provided documentation and 4 explanation 0f the incident. Investigation determined that on August 13, 2001, Shelton 5 was convicted of Robbery in the second degree for his role in an armed bank robbery that 6 occurred on March 6, 2001. 7 3. Shelton was forthright and honest with investigators, both at the time of the Commission 8 investigation and during the criminal investigation of 2001. Shelton successfully served 9 his incarceration without incident, successfully completing any related treatment and 1O counseling programs. Shelton successfully completed his post-prison supervision i 1 1 program and has had no other related incidents since 2001. 12 13 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 14 ~ / by ., 15 é7w_fl££€ d'4'/ “dill; 20%ng ZOILI 16 Dan'-- eJames a n . Date 17 r /% I / ‘ e a L_ 18 1.1/1.4, 4W 4014/ -