09/09/99 15:39 FAX 503 37s 6829 GOVT SERVICES Iona \ BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION . 2 OP THE STATE OF OREGON 3 Ln the Matter of the / Administrative License of STIPULA'I'ION'OF FACTS 4 AND ORDER OF PUBLIC REPRIMAND WILLIAM ALLEN HAMPTON 5 6 On or about July 20, 1999, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission issued a 7 Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to William Allen Hampton in which it proposed disciplinary 8 action against Mr. Hampton pursuant to the Commission's authority under ORS 342.175 through i 9 3424190‘ 10 The Commission and Mr‘ Hampton have now stipulated to the Facts and Order ofPublic 11 Reprimand which follow. In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Hampton has waived his right to - ( ‘ 2 hearing. This agreement states the facts upon which the parties have agreed and includes the . 13 Commission’s Order. In entering this stipulation Mr‘ Hampton acknowledges that the 14 Commission will impose discipline consisting of a public reprimand. 15 1. William Allen Hampton holds a Standard Administrative License endorsed for . 16 superintendent and administrator and valid from March 25, 1996 to May 31, 2001. l7 . 2t On August 7, I997, Mr. Hampton, in his capacity as Superintendent of the Sweet ‘ 18 I-Iome School District, issued a Notice ofPre-Terrnination Hearing to licensed teacher Staci 19 Bloom charging that she may have violated Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 20 Standards, including charges that she made inappropriate sexual and personal comments to _ 21 students and that she created a hostile learning environment for students. On October l, 1997, 22 Bloom signed a resignation agreement with the district effective August 25, 1997. t 23 /// it O Page l - STIPULATION OP FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBLIC REPRJMAND J 6M1] h\GEN29535.DCO Department eflustine 1161 Court Sweet NE ' Salem, OR 97310 (103)37xsoo: 09/09/99 15:39 FAX _._ —.-— iwfl covr SERVICES .004 . 3. Mr. Hampton conferred with legal counsel for the school district concerning the 2 dismissal and resignation of Ms. Bloom. Mr. Hampton concluded and his district counsel 3 concurred that it was unnecessary to report Ms. Bloorn to the Commission for possible violation 4 of Commission standards. Mr. Hampton did not file a report with the Commission concerning 5 Ms. Bloom 6 4. In January I998, Mr. Hampton received information fi'om district staff that Keith 7 Cantrell, a licensed teacher, had used inappropriate force by pulling a student’s hair while 8 disciplining the student. 0n February 5, I998, Mr Hampton informed Cantrell that his actions 9 were inappropriate and warranted removal of Cantrell from the district’s substitute teacher list‘ 10 Mr. Hampton did not report Mr. Cantrell to the Commission for possible violation of 11 Commission standards. .1 1r IS so STIPULATED: . 13 , ‘ f‘ 14 A) iv’ ’7777f if David V. My'ton Date 15 Executive Director 16 ' ' . 17 M/é% 2—/,§"?Z William Alien pton Date 18 l9 ULTIMATE FINDINGS OF FACT p 20 1‘ Mr. Hampton failed to report suspected violations of Commission standards by Staci 21 Bloom, a licensed teacher, afier Hampton learned of the suspected violations in August 1997. 22 2. Mr. Hampton failed to report suspected violations of Commission standards by Keith ' 23 Cantrell, a licensed teacher, after Hampton learned of the suspected violations in February 1998. Page 2 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBLIC REPRJMAND l JGM-T-j h\GEN2953 5~Dco Department “Justice l l151 CwnStrthF, ‘ . $nlem,°R. 97310 ‘(503) 37mm _ 09/09/99 15:40 FAX 50:! :73 6829 GOVT’ SERVICES @1005 . CONCLUSIONS 0F LAW . - 2 OAR 584-020-0041 imposes an obligation on the superintendent of a school district to 3 make a report to the Commission when the superintendent reasonably believes a licensed teacher 4 has committed an act which may constitute gross neglect of duty. Mr. Hampton failed to meet 5 this requirement in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(m). 6 OPINION 7 The purpose of OAR 584-020-0041 is to provide notice to the Commission when a 8 teacher may have engaged in serious professional misconduct. This allows the Commission to 9 investigate the matter and to determine whether action is necessary to safeguard the interests of 10 students and the public. The obligation to report applies even if the superintendent is not certain ll that the conduct constitutes a violation of standards. '2 ORDER i I‘ l3 The Commission imposes a reprimand upon William Allen Hampton and this Order shall 14 serve as the reprimand. Absent new evidence of professional misconduct, this Order shall not _ 1 15 serve as an impediment to Mr. Hampton's renewal of his Standard Administrative License for ‘ 16 which he is otherwise eligible in 2001. ' . 1i y DATED this flirty of September 1999. I 18 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 19 By. ‘EM/42+” 20 David V. Myton, Exe tive Director 21 Approved as to form: 22 \5M40AJ Z émx EIQ i2; '23 M. Bro Date Atto ey for Mr. Hampton Page ‘ - STTPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBLIC REPRIMAND JGM:tjh\GEN29$35.DCO Department ofJustice 1162 Court SteelNE ‘ta; 2:22:22