1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON .4 In the Matter of the ) STIPULATION OF FACTS, 5 Teaching License of ) SURRENDER, ORDER OF 6 PATRICK CHARLES SCHROEDER ) SUSPENSION, AND PROBATION 7 On April 17, 2003, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 8 received a report from Mike Stout, Director of Human Resources, David Douglas School District 9 indicating that the District received a complaint from a student and her parent alleging that 1O Patrick Charles Schroeder (Schroeder) violated standards for competent and ethical 11 performance of Oregon educators. 12 After review of the matters alleged, Mr. Schroeder and the Commission agree that their 13 respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to certain 14 facts and surrender of his teaching license pursuant to OAR 584-050-0027. Mr. Schroeder 15 understands that the Commission will accept the surrender of his teaching license, suspend said license for one year, and impose a four (4) year probation upon any future reinstatement of i licensure. 18 This Order sets forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to 19 be imposed. Mr. Schroeder stipulates that there are sufficient facts contained in the 20 Commission's files and records to support the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth 21 below. In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Schroeder waives the right to a hearing to contest 22 the findings of fact, conclusions of law and order set forth below. 23 This stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order by the 24 Commission. If the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Mr. Schroeder nor the 25 Commission are bound by these Stipulations and Mr. Schroeder retains all rights to a hearing 26 on the allegations. 27 STIPULATION OF FACTS 8 1. Mr. Schroeder holds a Standard Teaching License issued November 21, 2001, valid ‘J through November 13, 2006, with Standard Language Arts and Standard Drama Endorsements. 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER, ORDER 0F SUSPENSION, AND PROBATION - SCHROEDER 1 2. Mr. Schroeder was employed by the David Douglas School District as a Drama Teacher at David Douglas High School beginning in September of 1998. Mr. Schroeder i resigned his employment effective April 30, 2003, during the District's investigation of a female 4 high school students’ complaint that he touched her inappropriately and made sexually 5 suggestive comments to her. 6 3. On multiple occasions, from 1999 through 2002, Mr. Schroeder engaged in 7 inappropriate conduct of a physical and verbal nature towards high school students. 8 Mr. Schroeder violated student personal space, touched students on the arms, legs, knees and 9 shoulders, told dirty jokes, and used inappropriate language. 10 4. Mr. Schroeder admits that his behavior was inappropriate. 11 IT IS STIPULATED: 12 2% (‘Z 22L f; 21717102 13 Patr' Ch rles chr er Date 14 W) 4047/45.“ ictoria Charn erlain, Execu ive Director Date i Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 17 CONCLUSION OF LAW 18 Patrick Charles Schroeder failed to demonstrate a commitment to use professional 19 judgment regarding physical and verbal conduct in violation of OAR 584-020-0010(5). 20 Mr. Schroeder engaged in verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature which was directed 21 toward students. This conduct had the effect of unreasonably interfering with students’ 22 educational performance and created an intimidating, hostile and offensive educational 23 environment in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(f). This misconduct constitutes Gross Neglect 24 of Duty. The Commission's authority to impose discipline in this matter is based upon ORS 25 342.175. 26 // / 27 // / . /// 2 STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER, ORDER OF SUSPENSION, AND PROBATION - SCHROEDER 1 ORDER Q The Commission accepts the surrender of Mr. Schroeder’s Standard Teaching License and hereby suspends the Oregon Standard Teaching License issued to Patrick Charles 4 Schroeder for a period of one year effective October 10, 2003. At the end of this suspension 5 period, Mr. Schroeder may apply for reinstatement of licensure provided he meet the following 6 conditions: 7 1. Submission of a complete application and fees pursuant to OAR 584-050-0015(3); 8 and 9 2. Submission of documentation that he has undergone an evaluation by a 1O psychotherapist or medical professional acceptable to the Commission, and the evaluator 11 submits a full written report to the Commission attesting (a) Mr. Schroeder is fit to work with 12 children and teenagers, and (b) there is a high probability he will not repeat inappropriate verbal 13 or physical conduct towards students of the type described in this order. Any costs associated with the assessment or treatment will be the responsibility of Mr. Schroeder. i Upon the reinstatement of licensure, Mr. Schroeder shall be placed on probation by the 16 Commission for a period of four (4) years, subject to the following terms and conditions: 17 1. Mr. Schroeder shall substantially comply with any treatment or counseling as 18 recommended by the individual who completed the evaluation described above. 19 Mr. Schroeder shall authorize and Sign any consent forms as necessary for the treatment 20 provider or counselor to furnish records to or discuss Mr. Schroeder’s treatment with the 21 Commission; 22 2. Mr. Schroeder shall comply with all Standards for Competent and Ethical 23 Performance of Oregon Educators under Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 584, Division 24 020; and 25 3. Mr. Schroeder shall provide information as requested by the Commission to verify 6i that he has complied with the conditions of probation, including a statement from a future 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER, ORDER OF SUSPENSION, AND PROBATION - SCHROEDER j 1 employing district that he has complied with the Standards for Competent and Ethical 2 Performance of Oregon Educators. Q Violation of any term or condition of this probation may constitute an independent basis 4 for the Commission to impose discipline, up to and including revocation of Mr. Schroeder’s 5 teaching license subject to Mr. Schroeder’s right to a hearing on the issue of whether he 6 violated probation. ‘W 7 IT IS SO ORDERED this L day of October, 2003 8 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 9 10 WW 11 ictoria Chamb rlai , Executive Director 12 APPROV D AS TO FORM 14 15 Ralp E. Wiser OSB# 81423 £ Attorney for Patrick Charles Schroeder [090803] O . 4 STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER, ORDER OF SUSPENSION, AND PROBATION - SCHROEDER