HPR.1@.2663 2:14PM [40.864 P.3 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTlCES COMMISSION . OF THE STATE OF OREGON a In the Matter of the ) STIPULATION OF FACTS. 4 Teaching License of ) ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND . g PAMELA JEAN GARTNER ) PROBATION 7 On or about August 14, 2002. the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 8 (Commission) received a report from Kathryn Baker. Superintendent, Salem-Keizer ' 9 Public Schools indicating that Pamela Jean Gartner (Gartner) was arrested and charged 10 with Assault IV in connection with an incident of domestic violence. 11 Ms. Gartner fully cooperated with the Commission's investigation. After review of 12 the facts in this matter. Ms. Gartner and the Executive Director agree that their 13 respective interests, together with the public interest. are best sewed by a stipulation to 14 certain facts, a reprimand followed by a probation of one (1) year. .5 This Order sets forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the . 16 sanction to be imposed. Ms. Gartner stipulates that there are sufficient facts contained 17 in the Commission's files and records to support the findings of fact and conclusions of I 18 law set forth below. in entering into this stipulation, Ms. Gartner waives the right to a 19 hearing to contest the findings of fact. conclusion of law and order set forth below. 20 Ms. Gartner understands that the Commission Elli“ impose a one (1) year probation with 21 specific conditions. 22 This stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order by the 23 Commission. if the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Ms. Gartner nor the 24 Commission are bound by these Stipulations and Ms. Gartner retains all rights to a ‘ 25 hearing on the allegations. ‘ .26 I I/ Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATiON-GARTNER 4-PPR.1l.zoosal= 2=14PM FRQM HUUVhR Wm“ a" "3"“ r .- ‘wwls-P-L. "muslin-DIM game-rt V .: 1 it’: snvuunouor-mcrs E. . 2 1. ML§GartnerholdsaBssrcTeachingLioensevatid ~ 25,2000.toAu9u:t 3 20.20031rlytl'hanendorsemsntinflnie5lementury. 4 _ z iiq'lgiqiaemweemayeeweuiem-Kemmm'eeeam 5 moher§mhasoorvedfiie0mictusamninoo1 ‘ ~ . e s. dugmmnmzezooaramersamest f iflbIDBTB'l'IBd ' - 7 memmumw-ommmiommcmumesme 4 s ofOregoni+riManonOwntyMsGlrhermplacldon withthecourtfor s thaginmerequifingspmmmmste’mmmwimm ~ 10 mwf§+thmaMWMmmi_mqmmtd 12 mesa-'3}. TED: , I 13 ,JLL.QZ.,~4,_ M I‘ ‘bl-‘IO '{O "14 i5 ='.,rl .' 24 t mosmmeebnedepemmsmmmmsmmmuh . 4 25 Rmm'ptlgrmmmsmwmwmmmm_'::wwsharmas - I szswujtricnosncrsoaoenorssvmmo ~ ' O . .t; = 74th‘ - .F . 1 -. nPR.1Ei.28|ZiZ-i 2:14PM mam P.5 . 1 The Commission places Ms. Gartner on probation for a period of one (1) year to | ' commence May 9. 2003, subject to the following terms and conditions: 3 a. Ms. Gamer shall conduct herself as a law-abiding citizen; 4 b. Ms. Garther shall report in writing within ten days to the Executive Director of 5 the Commission any arrest or citation for any felony, misdemeanor, or major 6 traflic violation; and . _ 7 . c. Ms. Gartner shall comply with the Standards for Competent and Ethical 8 Performance of Owgon Educators pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rules 9 Chapter 584, Division 020. 10 Violation of any of the terms of probation shall constitute an independent basis 11 for the Commission to revoke Ms. Gamers teaching license or otherwise impose I 12 disciplineI atter first providing Ms. Gartner with notice and opportunity for hearing. .3 Dated this 47W day of May 2003. - 14 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION I . 1g B . wafiséf/zmi l / 17 rotoria Cham- "1 Executive o - 1 8 19 Approved as to form: 20 21 ___________________ 22 Thomas K. Doyle. OSB #97251 22 Attomey for Pamela Jean Gartner [concoct O . Page a STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION-GARTNER