¥ l BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICESCOMMISSION I = 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 4 In the Matter of the Teaching License of ' 5 I ORDER OF REINSTATEMENT AND 6 DAVID JAMES FRICKE PROBATION 7 8 On June l4, 2001, David James Fricke applied to the Teacher Standards and Practices 9 Commission (Commission) for reinstatement of his Oregon Teaching License. The Commission 10 considered Mr. Fricke’s application under the procedures set forth in OAR 584-050-0015. Mr. 11 Fricke appeared personally before the Commission’s Discipline Committee on November 15, , 12 2001. Afler considering Mr. Fricke’s application and supporting materials as well as the ’ l3 recommendation of the executive director and the discipline committee, the Commission makes l4 the following fmdings of fact and order. l 5 16 FINDINGS OF FACT l7 1. Mr. Fricke previously held an Oregon Teaching Certificate and was employed as 1 l8 a teacher in the Rogue River School District during the 1990-91 school year and in the Winston- l9 Dillard School District during the 1992-93 and 1993-94 school years. 20 2. On July 18, 1994, the Commission revoked Mr. Fricke’s teaching certificate 21 based on gross neglect of duty, including inappropriate behavior of a sekual nature directed 22 towards a student and false statements on his application for teaching employment and his 23 application to the Commission. Page 1 - ORDER OF REINSTATEMENT AND PROBATION-Fricke GMC2rhl\F:\MHanson\meetings\I\Iov 01\Fricke order.doc ‘ 1 3. Mr. Fricke has submitted an affidavit and extensive documents in support of his 2 application for reinstatement. This information indicates that Mr. Fricke has stabilized his life 3 and has become a reliable person who interacts appropriately with children and teenagers. Since 4 1996, Mr. Fricke has successfully worked in settings involving interactions with young students. 5 . 6 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 7 Mr. Fricke has provided sufficient evidence to establish convincingly that he possesses 8 the qualifications required for reinstatement of his Oregon Teaching License. 9 10 ORDER 11 The Oregon Teaching License of David James Fricke is hereby reinstated. Mr. Fricke If‘ 12 shall be placed on probation to the Commission for a period of three years from the date of this 13 order. Conditions of probation shall be that Mr. Fricke obey all laws and comply with all l4 Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon Educators under OAR 584 15 Division 020. Violation of any condition of probation may constitute an independent basis for l6 the Commission to impose discipline, up to and including revocation of Mr. Fricke’s Oregon 17 Teaching License, subject to his right to a hearing on the issue of Whether he violated probation. l 8 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// ’ 23 Page 2 - ORDER OF REINSTATEMENT AND PROBATION-Fricke ' GMC:1'hl\C:\TEMP\geua2491.doc , 1 IT 1s so ORDERED this fl_/J