I BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COL/[MISSION . . 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON RECEIVED i 3 teiiitdgtiiiisihii g JUL 10 200i ) STIPULATION AND ORDEvaier blanflal'ds _ 4 STACI BLOOM ) OF SUSPENSION and Practices CommiSSlOl'l 5 w) 6 On January 21, 2000, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 7 issued a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to Staci Bloom. Thereafier, Ms. Bloom requested a 8 hearing through her Attorney, Mr. Nelson Hall. The Commission and Ms. Bloom have now 9 reviewed the issues connected with this proceeding and have determined that their respective 10 interests and the public interest are best served by a stipulation to certain facts and a suspension 11 of Ms. Bloom's Oregon Teaching License, followed by a period of probation. Ms. Bloom 12 understands that in entering this stipulation she is waiving her right to a hearing, and the l3 Commission will enter a suspension of her teaching license. She fiirther understands that upon l ‘A l4 reinstatement of her license, she will be placed on probation subject to specific conditions. 15 STIPULATED FACTS 16 Ms. Bloom and the Commission stipulate as follows: 17 l. Ms. Bloom holds a Basic Oregon Teaching License with an endorsement in 18 elementary education. From 1990 through 1997, she taught for the Sweet Home School District. 19 During the 1996-97 school year, she was employed as a sixth grade teacher at Hawthorne 20 Elementary School in the Sweet Home School District. She is currently substitute teaching in 21 the Eugene School District. i 22 2. During the 1996-97 school year, Staci Bloom committed the following acts 23 towards three instructional assistants at Hawthorne Elementary School in the Sweet Home 24 School District: (a) lifted her skirt and exposed her otherwise clothed buttocks to two assistants; 25 (b) reported on Internet conversation with “Joey” to two assistants; (c) reported on playing “hide . 26 and seek” with her husband to one assistant; (d) passed gas while sitting on the lap of one i Page l - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION GEN54095 if £233?!‘ £122’? ii‘; Seneca“ . I} ; 6 1 assistant; (e) recounted a conversation of a sexual nature to three assistants; (f) asked one male 2 assistant about erections at school; and (g) commented about “big boobs” in front of staff. 3 3. During the 1996-97 school year, Staci Bloom committed the following acts 4 towards students: (a) reported to a sixth grade class a dispute with her husband about the time 5 she spent on the Internet; and (b) sang a song to her sixth grade class about “my vagina.” 6 4. Ms. Bloom acknowledges that her behavior was inappropriate. She states she is 7 embarrassed by her behavior. She points out that as a result of her behavior she has to resign 8 from her position with the District. She also notes that she has had n0 such incidences since her 9 departure from the Sweet Home School District. 10 @3716an QM? . m 11 Staci Bloom Date 12 {gigfit 4% 74/0/4” 13 Davi V. yton Date Executive Director ' 14 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 15 16 CONCLUSION OF LAW 17 Staci Bloom’s actions toward the instructional assistants constituted gross neglect of duty 13 by sexual harassment in violation of OAR 584-020-OO40(1). Her actions toward the students 19 constituted gross neglect of duty by substantial deviation from professional standards of 20 competency in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(n). 21 ORDER 22 The Oregon Teaching License of Staci Bloom shall be suspended for a period of thirty 23 days from the date of this order. During the period of suspension, she shall be evaluated by a 24 qualified psychologist or psychologist associate of the Commission’s choosing and shall comply 25 with that provider’s treatment recommendations. She shall provide the provider with a copy of 26 the Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, this Order and the Investigation Report in this matter . Page 2 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION GEN54095 $231332’ 53:51,“; Stargazer ,; a ‘ 1 prior to receiving that evaluation. She shall provide a copy of any treatment plan recommended 2 by the service provider to the Commission. At the expiration of the period of suspension, 3 Ms. Bloom's teaching license shall be reinstated upon her application. 4 Following reinstatement of her license, Ms. Bloom shall be placed on probation for a 5 period of two years subject to the following conditions: 6 l. Ms. Bloom shall meet any requirements of the treatment plan of the qualified 7 treatment provider. 8 2. Ms. Bloom shall, at her own expense, participate in an intensive education 9 program for sexual harassment with a qualified educator of the Commission’s choosing. 10 3. Ms. Bloom shall comply with all TSPC standards under OAR 584, Division 20. 11 4. Ms. Bloom shall provide to the Commission such information as the Commission 12 requests to verify that she has complied with the conditions of probation, including a statement 13 from her employing school district, if any, that she has complied with Standards of Competent . 14 and Ethical performance of Educators under OAR 584, Division 20. 15 Violation of the terms of this probation may constitute an independent basis for the 16 Commission to impose discipline, up to and including revocation of Ms. Bloom’s Oregon Teaching 17 License and subject to Ms. Bloom’s right to a hearing on the issue of whether she violated probation. 18 DATED this i day of July 2000. 19 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 20 .1 . 21 By. waélké QM 22 David V. Myton, Executiv Director 23 Approved as to form: 24 é é é/é 7 25 elson Hall, O B #8 Date—w———* 26 Of Attorneys for Staci Bloom . Page 3 — STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION GEN54095 ffgfi'l'iii S12‘: if; Se; are“