l STATE OF OREGON 2 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 3 In the Matter of the ) Teaching License Of: ) STIPULATION OF FACTS 4 DEAN PATRICK STILES ) AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION 5 ) 6 On or about September 25, 1997, the Teacher Standards and 7 Practices Commission (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity 8 for hearing to Dean Patrick Stiles (Stiles) in which the 9 Commission proposed to suspend or revoke his Oregon teaching 10 license or to impose other discipline under ORS 342.177. 11 The Commission and Stiles have now reviewed the matters 12 alleged and have now reviewed the matters alleged and have agreed g 13 to the following stipulation. In entering this stipulation, 14 Stiles waives his right to a hearing. This agreement sets forth 1 515 facts Stiles will not contest including the Commission's order of 16 a one~year suspension of Stiles’ teaching license and for 2 (two) 17 years of probation. l8 FINDINGS OF FACT , 19 The parties stipulate that evidence in the record exists to 20 support the following Findings of Fact by the Commission: 21 1. Stiles was employed as a teacher with the Tigard-Tualatin 22 School District from approximately 1988 until 1997 when he 23 resigned his position. 24 2. Stiles was originally employed as a junior high language 25 arts and journalism instructor. In 1992, when the District 26 opened Tualatin High, Stiles transferred there. In addition ‘PAGE l —STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION j, DEPSEZCQW'ZXSQSZT.“ Salem, Oregon 97310 (503) 3184620 1 to classroom teaching, Stiles served as a yearbook and ‘ 2 journalism advisor and as an athletic coach. 3 3. During the performance of duties as both coach and 4 publications advisor, Stiles spent many hours with high 5 school students outside the normal student contact day. 6 Stiles was required to supervise students away from school 7 during the evenings arising from coaching at tournaments ad 8 similar events. 9 4. As a result of spending long hours with students outside the 10 formal classroom setting, Stiles developed close 11 relationships with his students. Stiles was a successful 12 coach, teacher and advisor. He was also popular with 13 students. Some students looked upon Stiles as a friend and 14 counselor in addition to a teacher. Many students felt '15 comfortable having discussions of personal subjects in front 16 of Stiles, including discussions of the students’ romantic 17 relationships and activities. Stiles would upon occasion 18 become involved in these discussions. 19 5. In part because of the closeness and informality which 20 developed with his athletes and yearbook/journalism 21 students, Stiles engaged in conduct which was inappropriate 22 for a teacher. On more than one occasion, Stiles 23 participated in discussions with students in which Stiles 24 joined in with students and used profane and explicit sexual 25 language. Several female students reported to the District 26 that they were offended that Stiles made verbal comments ‘PAGE 2 -STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION DEPARTMENTOFJUSHCE ‘$32.?ZLZZZZJLE‘ (503) 378-4620 1 which included sexual slang and vulgarity. Some of the ‘ 2 terms used were directed to female students in a teasing 3 manner, but which offended some of the girls in Stiles’ 4 charge. S 6. After a student complaint was filed with the District about 6 Stiles, the District conducted an investigation. In the 7 investigation, two or more female students complained about 8 Stiles’ language and also stated that Stiles had touched 9 them or others inappropriately. 10 7. Stiles denied any sexual touching, which also was 11 investigated by the police and which did not result in any 12 criminal prosecution. After its investigation, the District 13 concluded that Stiles had not engaged in any sexual touching 14 of students, but that he had used inappropriate language. :15 8. Stiles’ evaluation files showed that he was considered an 16 able and effective educator. 17 9. Stiles was teaching at Tualatin High School on a restricted 18 license at the request of the District by misassignment l9 report dated October 11, 1995. The restricted license 20 expired on August 28, 1996. Stiles did not complete the 21 requirements for teaching K - 12. Therefore, the District 22 proposed to transfer Stiles to the middle school. Before 23 the commencement of the 1996-97 school year, Stiles 24 resigned. 25 10. Stiles applied to TSPC to renew his Basic teaching license 26 on August 12, 1996. The Executive Secretary denied ‘PAGE 3 -STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION DEPARTMENT 0F msncn 251.5.“3122227'25 (503) 378-4620 1 reinstatement of Stiles’ basic license pending the outcome ‘ 2 and proceedings in this case. 3 11. Stiles is not currently employed as a teacher. 4 ULTIMATE CONCLUSION OF LAW 5 Stiles violated OAR 584-20-040(4)(f) by using language which 6 created an inappropriate environment for students. 7 ORDER 8 The Commission adopts the above findings of fact and 9 suspends the teaching license of Dean Patrick Stiles for one year 10 commencing September l, 1996 and ending September 1, 1997. 11 The Commission hereby renews Stiles’ basic teaching license 12 effective the date of this order. However, commencing with the 13 date of this order, Stiles is placed on probation for a period of 14 two years pursuant to ORS 342.177(3)(b). The terms of probation :15 are as follows: 16 1. Stiles shall comply with the standards for ethical and 17 competent performance of Oregon Educators under OAR 18 584, Division 20. 19 2. Stiles shall make available to the Executive Director 20 all performance evaluations in any public schools for 21 child and youth preprimary through grade 12 in Oregon 22 within 30 days of receiving such evaluations. 23 3. Stiles shall report to the Executive Director within 3O 24 days of receipt of any letters of discipline received 25 by any public school employer. 26 /// :PAGE 4 —STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE ‘éiiilfififilifi (503) ammo 1 4. Violation of the terms of probation shall constitute an .2 independent basis for the Commission to impose other 3 disciplinary sanctions upon Stiles after first giving 4 notice and an opportunity for hearing. 5 DISCUSSION 6 Under TSPC regulations, teachers are required to exercise 7 judgment while in the performance of duty, including duties which 8 extend beyond the student contact day. 9 In this case, the Commission finds that the teacher engaged 10 in conduct with students under his charge which showed a serious 11 lack of judgment. The evidence is not persuasive that Stiles 12 touched students physically in a sexual manner. However, the 13 facts do show that the teacher used repeated profane and sexual 14 language with students. Although the circumstances were such :5 that the teacher generally did not instigate or incite these 1 l 16 discussions, the teacher joined in rather than stopped the 1 17 discussions. At times, the teacher teased his students using i 18 vulgar language. Even though much of the inappropriate language 19 was in jest, or part of coaches’ "locker room" talk, there were 20 female students present who were very offended. It was 21 inappropriate for Stiles to engage in the conduct he did. Doing 22 so violated his ethical obligations as an educator under our 23 rules. 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// PAGE 5 —STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION 8 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1162 Cour! Sires! N.E. Salem. Oregon 91310 (503) 378-4620 1 It is therefore appropriate for the Commission to impose a ‘ 2 one-year suspension and the terms of probation recited herein. 3 IT IS SO STIPULATED 4 2.22. P, QiLd- 4ZLZ75’ 5 Dean Patrick Stiles Date 6 2E; i (kw; {/{yfz {o'v £5,4ng David V. M ton Date 7 Executive Director 8 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 9 10 ll 12 13 l4 ‘15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 tjh/GMC/CWS1565.PLE .PAGE 6 —STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION O DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ‘éifitliiffififé' (503)3784620