'1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION l 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the \ OAH Case No. 118580 Teaching License of 4 DEFAULT ORDER GEORGE HENRY DEINES 5 6 On October 14, 2003, the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission i 7 (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to George Henry Deines in which the 8 Commission proposed t0 suspend or revoke the teaching license of Mr. Deines or otherwise 9 impose discipline under ORS 342.177 based on the allegations set forth in the Notice. 10 Mr. Deines requested a hearing through his attorney Thomas Doyle, and the case was assigned to 1 1 Administrative Law Judge Ken L. Betterton and scheduled for hearing on April 5, 2005. On ‘12 March 28, 2005, Mr. Doyle wrote a letter to the Commission, withdrawing his request for a 13 hearing and acknowledging that the Commission would enter an order against Mr. Deines by 14 default. The Commission therefore finds Mr. Deines to be in default, and based on the record in 15 this case, enters the findings, conclusions and order set forth below. ~ l6 FINDINGS OF FACT l7 1. Mr. Deines holds a Limited Oregon Teaching License which is effective through 18 August 30, 2005. He was employed as a Junior ROTC teacher at North Salem High School in 19 the Salem-Keizer School District from May 16, 1995 to September l, 2003, when he resigned his 20 teaching position after being placed on administrative leave since October 3, 2002. 21 2. Beginning in 1999, Mr. Deines made inappropriate sexual advances towards a 22 female 10‘h grade student who was enrolled in the Junior ROTC program at the high school. Mr. ‘3 Deines told the student that he had a crush on her and asked the student if she had a crush on Page l t DEFAULT ORDER — GEORGE HENRY DEINES . EMINGENM ‘584 fillifilfilffiiiflé 5”‘622t2llfllfllfim l l ‘I him. Thereafter Mr. Deines initiated physical contact on numerous occasions when the student ' 2 was alone with him in his office or in other areas at the school. These contacts included touching 3 the student on her body, hugging her and kissing her. 4 3. On at least three occasions, Mr. Deines touched and fondled the student on her 5 breasts and her pubic area. On at least two occasions, Mr. Deines had oral sex or attempted to 6 have oral sex with the student by contact between his mouth and the student’s vaginal area. 7 4. The sexual contacts between Deines and the student continued from 1999 until 8 about December of 2002 when the student dropped out of the Junior ROTC program. 9 5. All of the sexual contacts were initiated by Mr. Deines. 10 6. On November 8, 2002, an Amended Information was filed in Marion County 11 Circuit Court, charging Mr. Deines with two counts of Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree, based i 2 on allegations of sexual conduct towards the female student. ‘3 7. Pursuant to plea negotiations, Mr. Deines entered a plea of No Contest to the l4 reduced charge of Harassment in Marion County Circuit Court on August 7, 2003. The court 15 placed Mr. Deines on probation for 12 months, subject to the conditions that he resign his 16 teaching position by February 7, 2004 and that he have no contact with minors, except for his 17 stepchildren. Under the terms of the sentencing agreement the case was to be dismissed if Mr. 18 Deines successfully completed probation. Mr. Deines did s0, and the case was dismissed on 19 October l2, 2004. 20 8. During the period between 1999 to 2003, Mr. Deines repeatedly referred to sexual 21 topics in his classroom and toldjokes of a sexual nature. He also inappropriately discussed 22 matters in his personal life, including sexual issues, with students in his classroom. 23 O Page 2 . DEFAULT ORDER — GEORGE HENRY DEINES JGM“dl\GENM‘584 $528251‘! Slit‘? ‘Nt '1 9. On September 26, 2002, Mr. Deines angrily threw a set of keys in the direction of 2 students in his classroom. Mr. Deines threw the keys with such force that they became lodged in 3 the wall of the classroom. Mr. Deines had previously thrown and hit a student with a cassette 4 tape container and had thrown other objects at students in anger. Prior to the September 26 5 incident, Mr. Deines had been warned by his supervisors about controlling his anger and 6 throwing objects at students. ' 7 CONCLUSIONS 0F LAW 8 1. Mr. Deines’s sexual conduct with a female high school student constitutes gross 9 neglect of duty in violation of OAR 584-020-0040t4)(fi and gross unfitness in violation of OAR 10 584-020-0040(5)(d) and (e). 1 1 . . 2. Mr. Deines’s inappropriate sexually related statements to students in his 2 ‘ classroom constitutes gross neglect of duty in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(f). 3 l4 3. Mr. Deines’s act of throwing a set of keys in anger constitutes gross neglect of 15 duty in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(e). l7 The Oregon Teaching License of George Henry Deines is hereby revoked. 18 . 19 DATED this $1” of ML, 2005. 20 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 21 By: . M.) 22 Victoria Chamber , xecutive Director 23 Page 3 — DEFAULT ORDER — GEORGE HENRY DEINES JGMIle\GENM1584 Department of Justice l IGZ Court Street NE ~ Salem, OR_ 97301-4096 (503) 947-4520