Mag 10 2008 1 = 28PM Har-r- is Ber-ne Christensen 503-968-2003 P - 2 22:":222218 “9522221220064.124422102490-WW:z ' . g BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND FRANCES COMMISSION 3 ~ OF THE STATE OF OREGON 4 In lhe Nam!’ O1’ [he ) STIPULATION OF FACTS. 2 mm $211185. i 3%?“852uéfi'éwm 7 . OnoruboutM 5,2005JhGTOlcher Silmqndmfimmm 8 (Omani-ion) recolvml irfinrlnlllon lndualing that Slmn Ray Llnbonam, wlilu mhg as 9 Supmuden! lcr lhe South Umpqua School District, mlsropmemed hla wife's pmleaslonal 10 touching omnenoe lo Sandy Knmer, Dlroclor m Human Resources lo: the South Umpqn 11 School Dislrlfl: Th6 Commissibn's Muellgallm Nan milled lhal Mr. Limballlill ‘lulled l0 12 npplylor and nbuin a "com priorlo naming dulleu as Superintendent of Scum Umpqua 13 Sdlclol Dislllfl, 14 Mm rwvlew cl the mature alleged. Mr. Lwnbman and 1h. Oommladon agree lhll I'lalr 15 rolpecllvo Internals. logelhor wl'lh the pubic Ml. lru Heat served by a stipulation ol oemlln . 1a mu and the surrender oi ma administrative Iloems pursuant mom 504-060-0027. ' 17 Mr- Lambmn understands that the Camden wll auupond said Ileana “dive May 12. 1a zoos. through Daclmber a1. zoos. ' 19 ThisOrdel'mlorflHMflndmaoflaflardll-vesanctionbbelmpoaed. 20 M. Lmlhmnflpullllcllwlfl'mmmwffiulollflwh ounluhtdhhoOOmmlsdon'slllcscnd~ 21 MG l0 lwpod the findingl of hot W mum Ol‘ law mbrlh below. In emenng 11110 22 lhls slbulelion. Mr. Launbortsen waives the right to a hurlnq to' comm fin linings cl fut. 23 nominalcm: 9f law amt order sol forth below. V 24 This stipulation is oonmnem upon approval and adoption of me Onier by lho 25 leon. ll lhl Oommlsabn does nol adopt Us Ordar. mifl'm' M. lebemen norlh. 20 0mm m bound by m supumim and m. mum" mm; an ngnu to a hearing 27 on he allegations. 20 m ' . PIQB 1 STIPULATIW OF FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION ~ LAMBEHTSEN, S ' Mag 10 2000 1 = 29PM Her-Pi s Berne Christensen 503-968-2003 P- 3 FROM MSD 253 (WED) MAY 10 2006 11:55/ST. 11 554/110. 6349306759 P 3 I'lly ID BOOB B=EBHI1 lerls Bur-nu Chriitunsan 508-565-211'35 p. '4 . . 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS 2 1 . On April 26, 2004. Mr. anblmen aimed I1 employment cunh'aut with U10 South a Urnpqu-Wnummmganamusiwmnaencbymmauryuom.m 4 we required mu Mr. Lambertlen mm, mmgrmr m He of the qreernml, e valid 5 end appmprlnu lblnee. On August 3, 2004, Mr. Lanbeneen eppled foren Mnhletrellve 6 Unem. The Oommleelon Issued a Tranelllonal Administrator Lloenee wnh an Admlnletmor ' 7 Mmmonsmamerazmmdmnsepumazow. Mr.l.amberlaenserved 8 WMOul I Iberia! from July 1 l 200‘. until semember 2, 2004-. 9 2. By email, pnor 10 employment, My. anbeneen mlerepreeented his Mle'e 10 ‘prolmlonal teaching werlenee In “eh when :equeelinge paelflonlorher e: Soulh Umpqua 11 SchoolDletriol. Mr.LambmeeneemenemlleSoumUmpqueSdmthmelindkaflngm 12 Nh. anberleen, '...|s|uet eempleflng her 10m yoer In education.’ l3 3. Sandy Kremer. Dlreotor of Human Resources, reported 1hel on or about June 1. .14 2004. m. Lemberleen told her ma Mm. mum.“ m been e mew at mm School 15 Dmmbraevenyeersendelflmlesrimlbietrmlwmeyeen. Beeeduponmetirlomefion 16 Sandy Kmnerpreperee e teeming contract lor Mrs. Lambeneen pieohg Mm. Lambensen on 17 the salary schedule forlevel tan as she was elerlhg her tenth year u e teacher. 18 4. The Depenmenl of Education for the Blele of Uleh reporle the! Mn. Lembensrm wee 19 not mum to men 1n rm em; of uzah umn November 19, zoos. n‘. mum sewn Dimer i 20 reports mt m. Llrnberhen served as e'deeelfled mum Mmrme umbrrmm 21 1Mb2mnmeoonmfleedler. The'l'lmlc SchoolDietrlcl murmurs. Llnberleen 22 llamtelxmgradelrommyloJunein200'3endaemdeeeepedeleduutionteecherlmm 23 SemembermbMeymm. ' ~ 24 I I/ I 25 Ill 2B l l/ P80! 2 FTIPULA'I'ION OF FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF SUSPENSDN — LAMBBU'SEN. 9 I Hag 10 2006 1: 30PM Harris Berne Christensen 503-999-2003 p . 4 “22.22. H“ O 1 5.4 The South Umpque Somel th'lol wlllll'leld $4948 110m Mrl. Lamboneen'e fhal 2 peyollecke lor the 2004-2005 eollool year due no overpeyrnent cl Bhlery. 3 fill-snfluun: ' g €F¢i7:l "k ‘ Dole ’ .- 6 4,1,”IZ/ . 1.. e :4.‘ ' Z w'aé I _ 7 "-‘1- - '3'?” : n. - Olreelor Du- 8 Teacher Standard: and Pmcfloee Commleeion ' 9 OONOIJISION OF LAW . 10 Steven ReyLembemenmemplowdbyenOregonechoolfirlelwilhouaveld 11 Oregon admhlolrewr Ime ll'om July 1, 2004 IoSeplenberZ. 2004. M‘. Lemberleen'a 12 conduclolwerklngwllhomevalldloenoeoomlllumeereeeNe¢eotolDulylnviolntlonolOAH 13 564-020-0040(c) end OAR su-ozoomoraxoj ea ll hocrporelea one eel-02000361211111. Mr. 14 anberleen made knowing mlarepreeemellon le South Umpque Sol-led Dlelrlnt dlroclly releled 15 lo hle wife's pMe-nimu dullee pnor to her employment Mlh Scum Umpque School delllcl. In . 1'6‘ dolrlg ee. Mr. Lamborleen felled 110 melnleln me dionlty 01th warm end m lelure no 17 exemplly personal lrltegrlly mo honoety vloleled OAR 5%020-00400Xo) ee l Incorporate 18 om 5mm”... Addlllonally. by mlerepreeentlng Mrs. mm educational 19 expellenee, Mr. Lemborlun vlololed OHS 244.040(1l(el. Ill-loo his misrepresentation ee a 20 pubic Olflolal rewlled in personallhenolal gain. This 00011161 conellubee Glow Neglect OI 21 Duly In violnlion ol OAR 584-020-0040HXO) as ll hcerpomes OAR 684-020-0035l2)(al. The 22 Cornmleelon'e eulhorlly lo lmpoee diecipllne ln this mutter la boned upon 0R8 342.175. 28 l H 24 / H ‘ . 25 I I I ' Page S STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION - LAMBERTSEN, S Q Hag 10 2008 1:31PM Harris Berne Christensen 50?—968—2003 p.5 FROM llJSl) 253 (WEDJMAY 10 2006 11 :55/ST. 11 :54/N0. 6349306759 P 5 "Ia 1U EUUB BI Hill-ll‘! Harri.‘ HIP". UHF I Qllhiifl bud-HOU-4UU4I P. :I I 1 ORDER 2 TheOerrInleelonedeplemeebevefhdlngs olleorendhllrobyempendelhe 8 MMWWMMDMRyLombemnMMeymAOCBJhmugh ~1- Deeenber31.200|l. Mnlanbcnlenmlyepplyforrelmlnlernemolloenewepueuenlbom 5 584-050-0015(3). _ > 6 l'l'lSSOOHDEFlEDlhle lidsyofmmzooe. 7 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMlBSION a ‘ ( 9 . , flr/wu 1 10 VloterleG Director 1 11 - ~ 1 12 Approved u reform: 1 1 13 - 1 . Q 1 ‘4 , flunk] 1 '15 gown, use: arm ' i 16 Momey for Slwen th Lunbemen woe! Pep 4 STllWJLATlON OF FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION- LAMBERTSEN. S