1 BEFORE THE TEACHER'STANDARDOAND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 _ OF THE shire or ohEeon 2 time l ;-§it§t‘%§i%'é%?"°ls . g PETER L. PORATH ) ._ §U§PENSION AND PROBATION ' 7 On or about June 3, 2006, the Teaoher Standards and Practices Commission 8 (Commission) received a report from Whit Elombero, Superintendent of Woodbum Schooi 9 District, indloetinl that Peter Porath may havo engaged in gross neglect of duty by committing 10 ants of physical aggression and disregard for the sefoty of persona In school. _ 11 Aiier review oi the matters alleged, Mr. Poreth and the Commission agree that their > 12 respective interests, together with the pubilo intereeth'are beet served by a stipulation to certain 13 iaole and the Imposition of a suspension and probation _ 14 By signing below, Mr. Poreth animowiejdgeégiundereiands, stipulates, and agrees to the 15 following: (iJ-hehea been fully advised of his rights tonetiw and a hearinotoeonteot the - ‘i6 findings offaoi, oonoiusions of law, and order set forth heiow,_and fully and flnaiiy waives all 17 such rights and anyrights to appeailorothennise eheiienge this stipulation of Feats, Order of 18 Suspension and Probation (Stipulation ‘and Final Order); (ll) this Stipulation and Final Order is a ' . 19 public document and disclosed to the public upon request by the Commission; (iii) this 20 Stipulation end Final Order is contingent upon‘ endleubieet to approval and adoption by the 21 Commission. lithe Commission does not approve and adopt this Stipulation and Flnoi Order. 22 then neither Mr. Porath nor the Commission are bound by the terms herein; (iv) he has fully 23 reed this Stipulation and Final Order. and understands'ii oompteteiy; (v) he voluntarily. without 24 any foroe or duress, enters into this Stipulation end 'iilnelOrderond consents to lseunnoe and 25 entry of the Siipulaiecl Finei Order below; (vii he states that no promises or representation has 26 been made to induce him to sign this Stipulation and Final Order, and (vii) he has consulted With _ 27 en attorney regarding this Stipulation and Final Order and has been fully advised with regard to Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS ORDER OF SUSPENSION AND PROBATiON - PORATl-t s /wr ‘39W! . '_ I. m oz=€o sooz-os'nfi 1 his rights thereto, or waives any and all rights lo coneulll with an aflorney prior lo entering Inlo V I 2 lhis Siipulalion and Final Order end Issuance and Bhlri! 0f the Sllpulaled Final Order below. ' 3 STIPULATION OF. FACTS Y 4 1. The Commiseipn has licensed Mr fiqrath since February 1, 2000. Mr. Perilh holds a . 6 current Initial l Teaching License with endereementa In Social Studies ai lhe high achool 6 level. v 7 2. 0n May 1. 2005, while working forthe Wdodbum School Dleiriol. fellow teacher Mike I 8 I Flannigan approached Mr. Poraih's classroom wilh some students as pert of the 9 school‘! Intramural Olympies. Arler Flanriigen end other atudenle knocked on the door 1 ' 1D of Mr. Poralh's classroom. Mr. Porelh ruel'iég'through the door, hitting Flennlgan in lhe- I ' I 11- heed. Mr. Poreih ihen started rougheho'neind- win smdenia. On his wey back to the 12 classroom. Mr. Poraih rushed eiudent'Li-i, Puehlhg hlrn Into e wall. The hush left an . Q 1 3 lndeniailon 0n lhe well and caused lnlwy'ielhlrllle back. ' I 14 3. Mr. Poralh was on probation‘ w'lrhihe Commission when the conduct In paragraph 2 ' 15 occurred. ‘I ' Q ' 3 ' " " , 16 ' ' 17 lT_§§_Q§IlP_U_LATE ' _ i 1g Q\é~—-*E _ q f 4-! m ' ‘ * 20 ‘raih _-_ j_ Dale g g; M :4. q #41? i. g: Tlecégiriaercgiendards e'nd isrfilligfiéingonmmn I ' ' l1 Date l 25 I r CONCLUSION or inw v 1 26 1.‘ Mr. Foraih‘s cunduct described in paragraphs 2 and 3 constitutes gross neglect of ' ‘ 27 duly ln vloiallon of ORS 342.175(1)(b); OAR 584-020-0040(4)(d)(unreaeonable ' 28 physical force); OAR 584-020-0040(4)(e)(\lblent or dealrunilve behavior); OAR 5.4- ‘ 29 020-0040(4)(h) es it Incorporates OAR 584020-0010(5)(profeaelonai ]udgment). E Page 2 STIPULATIDN OF FACTS ORDER 0F SUSPENSION AND PROBATION - FORATH | - , ' , ' c lz 135mg _ M I m oz=so sooz'oe-noo _—___—___,_—______e___r..-._..________________— 1 _- 2 ‘ORDER , 3 Based on the foregoing, ll hereby ordered es follows: 4 1. The initial I Teaching Lioenee of Peter L.‘ Poreth is suspended for one yeer oubieot to 5 the following conditions: I ,. .> . 6 a. Reinstatement of Mr. Porath‘s licensewiliibejsubiect to Commission approval. . 7 b. Mr. Poreth will undergo en onger management evaluation by a licensed professional . 8 that is subject to the Commission'e epprovel. The evaluation will be submitted prior 9 to the petition for reinstatement. . - I I 10 o. Mr. Poraih will comply with eny treatment recommended by the anger management Q 1 1 evaluation if any. 12 d. Mr. Poreth will oompiete boundary trainino by e provider subject to Commission 13 approval prior to the petitiontor reinelatemeni. Mr. Pcrath will provide proof ct , 14 completlm ofthe Memes treihinp “time his petition tor reinstatement. 1 15 ‘e. Mr. Poreth will be eligible to petition the commission for reinstatement or his license 16 after nine months oi suspension, provided he compiles with ell conditions set herein. 11 2. Mr. Porothwillbeonpmbationiorfouryeers toilowlng anyrelnstaliementothls license. 18 During the period of probation, Mr. Poreth will comply with the following oonditionp: 19 a. Mr. Poreth shall report In writing within ten days to the Executive Director of the 20 Commission any arrest or citation for any felony. misdemeanor, maior treftio violation 21 or criminal probation; ' ' 22 b. . Mr. Porath shall comply with the Standards tor Compefint and Ethical Performance 23 , of Oregon Educators under Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 684, Division 020. ‘ t ,i 24 >3. The Commission may_llmpos_e other conditions during the probation after consideration 25 of the reports from medical providers and the‘ bwm?fil %/ MW QM . ' r . Pagiwm Ewou AND PROBATION - PORATH v ' Q flemggégw 15v mghMm éMw' 4mm. g /9 'Etfliid WV oz=so sooz'os'fiwo WMHMuM