. 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE or OREGON f 3 3 In the Matter of the Case No. 125321 E 4 Teaching License of I 5 SANDRA CALLAHAN ‘ STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION 6 7 The Teacher Standards and Practices (Commission) issued a Notice oleenial of Teaching 8 License and Opportunity for Hearing on October 13,2005, to Sandra Callahan. Ms. Callahan 9 requested a hearing, and the case was assigned to an Administrative Law Judge and scheduled for V 10 hearing on March 13, 2006. An Amended Notice of Denial was filed on March 7, 2006. 11 After a review of the matters alleged, the Commission and Ms. Callahan have agreed that _ 12 their respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to i 13 certain facts and the suspension of Ms. Callahan’s right to apply for a teaching license. 14 Ms. Callahan admits that she pled guilty and was convicted of a misdemeanor, Failure to ' '15 Perform the Duties of a Driver Involved in an Accident (ORS 811.700) in Washington County i 16 Circuit Court on June 14, 2005. She further stipulates that on her Application to Renew I 17 Teaching License Form C-l, submitted to the Commission on lune l3, 2005, she answered 18 untruthfully to Question 9, as set out below. Ms. Callahan understands and agrees that the 19 Commission will make the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth in this Order. 20 In entering into this stipulation, Ms. Callahan waives her right to a hearing and 21 understands that the Commission will suspend her right to apply for a license for a period of 60 22 days. This stipulation and proposed order are contingent on approval by the full Commission. If 23 the Commission does not approve this stipulation and order, it is understood that any waiver of 24 rights by Ms. Callahan is thereafter revoked. It is further understood that the statements 25 contained in this stipulation may not be used by either the Commission or Ms. Callahan for any i 26 reason if the Commission fails to approve the stipulation and proposed order. PAGE l - STIPULATION AND ORDER - SANDRA CALLAHAN E'l‘D/ros/GENP4782 . . . 1 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 2 §€<éflflé WM QUE [Qéz ; 3 San ra Callahan Date § 4 ~ i Wanna WW 1 5 ictoria r in, Executive Director Daten—__—— i 6 Teacher Stan s and Practices Commission 7 FINDINGS OF FACTS 8 1. Ms. Callahan has held an Oregon Reciprocal Teaching License from February \ 9 1977 to the present. She applied for a renewal of that license on June 13, 2005. i 10 2. Ms. Callahan has been employed by Beaverton School District 48] since 1977 as 1 l a middle school math teacher. 12 3. On February 23, 2005, Ms. Callahan was cited for Failure to Perform the Duties ~ l3 of a Driver involved in an Accident, a misdemeanor under ORS 811.700. Ms. Callahan entered a l4 plea of guilty in Washington County Circuit Court on June 14, 2005. The court ordered Ms. ' 15 Callahan to pay $200 in fines and suspended her Oregon Driver License for 90 days. 16 4. On June l3. 2005 Ms. Callahan applied for an Oregon Teaching License. On the I l7 application, she answered “no” to the question, “Have you ever been arrested or cited for any 18 offense listed in question (8) above which is still pending in the court?” In fact, Ms. Callahan’s 19 citation for Failure to Perform the Duties of a Driver Involved in an Accident was still pending 20 before the Washington County Circuit Court on June 13, 2005. 21 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 22 1. Ms. Callahan was convicted of the crime of Failure to Perform the Duties of a 2 23 Driver involved in an Accident, a misdemeanor. This constitutes gross unfitness in violation of 24 OAR sumo-0040(5) (c) and (e). 31 25 2. Ms. Callahan made a knowing misrepresentation on her June 13, 2005 application 26 for a teaching license when she denied that she had been cited for a misdemeanor that was PAGE 2 - STIPULATION AND ORDER ~ SANDRA CALLAl-LAN ETD/ros/GENPMSZ . i ' l pending before a court. This conduct constitutes gross neglect of duty in violation of OAR 584- ’ 2 020-0040(4) (c). . 3 ORDER 3 4 The Commission hereby adopts the above findings of fact and conclusions of law and , 5 suspends the right of Ms. Callahan to apply for an Oregon Teaching license for a period of 60 6 days from the date of this ordcr. Upon expiration of the period of suspension, Ms. Callahan may 7 apply for issuance of a license as provided under OAR 584-050-0015 (3). 8 IT 1s so ORDERED this AS‘ day ofMay, 2006. 9 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION .. 10 By: gégéf¢gé é QM/ zéQ/M/ U toria Chamb , axecutive Director 12 i 13 14 .15 f l6 l7 18 l9 20 21 22 23 - 24 l 25 26 ; PAGE 3 - S'ITPULATION AND ORDER - SANDRA CALLAHAN ETD/ros/GENP4782 . ' .