' l BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION - 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the Case No. 122683 l Teaching License of 4 SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND 5 SCOTT BUSHNELL STIPULATED ORDER 6 The Teacher Standards and Practices (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity for 7 Hearing on March 18, 2005, to Bushnell‘ The Notice was subsequently amended on August 22, 8 2005. Mr. Bushnell requested a hearing. The case was assigned to Administrative Law Judge 9 John M, Mann and scheduled for hearing on December 6, 2005‘ 10 After a review of the matters alleged, the Commission and Mr. Bushnell have agreed that i ll their respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to 12 certain facts, the surrender of Mr. Bushnell’s teaching license and the revocation of Mr. '13 Bushnell ’s teaching license. i 14 In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Bushnell waives his right to a hearing and 15 understands that the Commission will revoke his teaching license‘ This stipulation and proposed z l6 order are contingent on approval by the full Commission. If the Commission does not approve l I7 this stipulation and order, it is understood that any waiver of rights by Mr. Bushnell is therefore 18 revoked. It is further understood that the statements contained in this stipulation may not be used 19 by either the Commission or Mr, Bushnell for any reason if the Commission fails to approve the ' 20 stipulation and proposed order. 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// ' "age l - STIPULATION AND ORDER‘ SCOTT BUSHNELL — GEN05464.doc ? 1 ' 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS E 1 2 Mr, Bushnell and the Commission stipulate as follows: i 3 1. Mr. Bushnell holds a Standard Oregon Teaching License with a standard l i 4 endorsement in physical education. l ‘ 5 2. On June 15, 2004, Mr Bushnell filed an application for employment as a teacher 6 with the Brookingsfiarbor School District and answered “no” to the question: “Have you ever . 7 been dismissed from a teaching position?” Mr. Bushnell’s answer was false because he had been 8 terminated from his employment as a teacher with the Inn Between Shelter and Evaluation V 9 Center on August l6, 1999. . 10 3. On the same application for employment with the Brookings-Harbor School 1 l District, Mr. Bushnell answered “no” to the question: “Have you ever had a report of child abuse i 12 or sexual activities involving a K~12 student or minor filed against you . . . with a police agency, .13 or in court?” Bushnell’s answer was false because hc was aware that a report of child abuse or ' l4 sex abuse involving a student had been filed against Mr. Bushnell with the Oregon State Police 15 in 19991 The report did not result in any conviction, 16 17 ‘ 18 W / Z 1/ Z 0 S- Scott Bushnel Date 19 ‘ . .0 Mgaaaa Awe _ ; Victoria Cham 'n, Executive Director Datc 21 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 22 l 23 E l ‘Page 2 - STIPULATION AND ORDER - SCOTT BUSHNELL A GEN05464.doe O 1 Z CONCLUSION OF LAW 3 Mr. Bushnell made two knowingly false statements in his application for employment 4 with the Brookings-Harbor School District. His conduct constitutes gross neglect of duty in . . 5 violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(c). 5 6 7 ORDER 8 The Commission accepts the voluntary surrender of the Oregon Teaching License of 9 Scott Bushnell and revokes Mr, Bushnell’s teaching license. . 10 awe” 11 1r rs so ORDERED meg,” (121M269; 12 TEACHER ANDARDS I PRACTICES COMMISSION - l4 By: % i Victoria Chamberlain, ‘xecutive Director 15 l6 I7 18 19 ' 20 21 22 23 f .Page 3 - STIPULATION AND ORDER — SCOTT BUSHNELL — GENOS464doc