1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION Q OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the ) STIPULATION OF FACTS, 4 Licensure of ) ORDER OF REPRIMAND 5 MARILYN LOUISE MCBRIDE ) AND PROBATION 6 On May 18, 2005, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 7 received an anonymous written complaint alleging that Marilyn Louise McBride (McBride), 8 Superintendent, Milton-Freewater Unified School District violated standards by assigning 9 educational assistants to teach courses without proper licensure. 1O After review of the matters alleged, Ms. McBride and the Commission agree that their 1 1 respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to certain 12 facts, the imposition of a public reprimand and a two (2) year period of probation. This Order 13 sets forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to be imposed. Ms. ‘ 14 McBride stipulates that there are sufficient facts contained in the Commission's files and records ' to support the findings of tact and conclusions of law set forth below. In entering into this 16 stipulation, Ms. McBride waives the right to a hearing to contest the findings of fact, conclusion 17 of law and order set forth below. Ms. McBride understands that the probation will be subject to 18 specific terms and conditions. 19 This stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order by the 20 Commission. lf the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Ms. McBride nor the 21 Commission are bound by these Stipulations, and Ms. McBride retains all rights to a hearing on 22 the allegations. 23 STIPULATION OF FACTS 24 1. Ms. McBride has been licensed by the Commission since December 18, 1984. 25 Ms. McBride holds a Standard Administrative License issued June 21, 2002, valid through O Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION — MCBRIDE 1 May 16, 2008, with Standard Administrator and Standard Superintendent Endorsement and a Q Standard Teaching License issued April 22, 2003, valid through May 16, 2008, with Basic 3 Elementary and Standard Handicapped Learner Endorsements. 4 2. Ms. McBride began sewing as an Administrator for Milton-Freewater Unified School 5 District in August of 1991. In July of 2001, Ms. McBride became District Superintendent and 6 continues to serve in that capacity. 7 3. During the 2004-2005 school year, Ms. McBride allowed the assignment of four 8 educational assistants at McLoughIin High School to teach courses, evaluate students and 9 grade students in violation of licensure requirements. Interviews and documents revealed a 1O history of this practice at McLoughlin High School over the past several years. 1 1 CONCLUSION OF LAW 12 Marilyn Louise McBride allowed the assignment of four unlicensed educational 13 assistants to teach courses, evaluate students and grade students in violation of licensure . requirements. This misconduct constitutes Gross Neglect of Duty in violation of OAR 584-020- 15 0040(4)(i). The Commissions authority to impose discipline in this matter is based upon ORS 16 342.175. 17 IT IS So STIPULATED: 1% JF'” ' '6 é 19 @714“ Mc ride 7 \ Date 20 MZ/ ~ M #3/444 21 Victoria Chamberfain, Executive Director Date 22 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// O Page 2 STIPULATlON OF FACTS, ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION — MCBRIDE 1 ORDER Q The Commission hereby adopts the above stipulation of facts and imposes a Public 3 Reprimand on Marilyn Louise McBride, this order shall serve as the reprimand. 4 Furthermore, the Commission imposes a two (2) year probation upon Ms. McBride to 5 commence the date of adoption of this order, subject to the following terms and conditions: 6 1. During the period of this probation Ms. McBride shall provide satisfactory evidence 7 that the assignments of unlicensed instructional assistants are in accordance with OAR 581- 8 037-0015. Ms. McBride shall submit these reports to the Executive Director of the Commission 9 on or before October 31, 2006; and October 31, 2007. 1O 2. Ms. McBride shall comply with all Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance 11 of Oregon Educators pursuant to OAR Chapter 584 Division 020. 12 Violation of any term or condition of probation shall constitute an independent basis for 3 the Commission to revoke Ms. McBride’s licensure or otherwise impose discipline, after first d providing Ms. McBride with notice and opportunity for hearing. 15 IT IS so ORDERED this Q day of March, 2006. 16 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 17 v 18 5’er 19 Victoria Cham erlain, Executive Director 2O Approved as to form: 21 \ Zilmlu gf 5“ //\ 2 Jame M. Brown, OSB# 67012 2-' Attorn -y for Marilyn Louise McBride [0131061 O Page 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION — MCBRIDE