' BEFORE THE TEACHERS STANDARD AND PRACTICE COMMISSION OF TI-IE STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the STIPULATION AND ORDER OF Teaching License of SUSPENSION JEFFREY WITT On or about July 24, 2000, the Teacher Standard and Practices Commission (Commission) notified Jeffrey Witt (Mr. Witt) that a report had been filed by the Salem-Keizer School District alleging that Mr. Witt had accompanied minors who were students in a different district to an adult bookstore. Mr. Witt fully cooperated with the Commission's investigation and did not . contest the allegation. After a review of the matters alleged, Mr. Witt and the Commission have agreed that their respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to certain facts and the imposition of a 3O day suspension. This Order set forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to be imposed. In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Witt waives his right to a hearing to contest the findings of fact, conclusions of law and order set forth below. FINDINGS OF FACT The parties stipulate that there is substantial evidence in the record for the Commission to make the following findings of fact, and the Commission finds as .1’ follows: Page l - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION — JEFFREY WITT . l. Mr. Witt holds an Oregon teaching license which was issued 0n August l8, I998. 2. Mr. Witt was employed by the Salem-Keizer School District beginning in I998. The position was Mr. Witt’s first teaching assignment. Mr. Witt resigned on August 4, 2000. 3. Mr. Witt was considered to be an excellent teacher by the District. He has no past record of exhibiting poor judgment with students. 4. On or about April l, 2000, Mr. Witt was contacted by a music teacher colleague in a different school district who asked him to perform in her school’s “cabaret night.” Another performer had canceled at the last minute. . Mr. Witt agreed to fill in at the April l event. 5. After the cabaret performance, Mr. Witt went out to eat with the other teacher and three students from the other district, two seniors and a graduate. During the course of the evening, the students asked the two teachers to take them to an adult bookstore to celebrate the eighteenth birthday of the youngest of the three students. 6. Mr. Witt and the other teacher took the three students to an adult bookstore for a brief visit. None of the group made any purchases. 7. At the time, Mr. Witt did not realize that the same standards of behavior applied to him whenever he was with minor students, regardless of whether ' those students attended school in his district 0r in a different district. Page 2 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION — JEFFREY WITT ‘ 8. Mr. Witt now recognizes that he failed to use professional judgment by agreeing to the students’ request. Jeffrey Witt enters into this Stipulation of Facts with knowledge that the Commission will suspend his Oregon Teaching License for a period of 3O days, effective September 1, 2000, and will order him t0 undergo an evaluation to ensure his fitness to teach. This Stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order by the Commission. If the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Mr. Witt nor the Commission are bound by these stipulations and Mr. Witt retains all rights to a hearing on the allegations. IT IS SO STIPULATED: ‘ O . é? % Ewe“ \~» 8(ZZZQ9 Jeff y 1 Date Md éflgfll: V)’ [no David V. Myton, Execu ve Director Date CONCLUSION OF LAW Mr. Witt's activities constituted gross neglect of duty in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4) by deviating from the professional standards set forth in OAR 584-020-0010(5). . /// /// /// Page 3 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION — JEFFREY WITT ‘ ORDER The Commission adopts the above findings of fact and suspends the Oregon teaching license 0f Jeffrey Witt for a period of 3O days from September l, 2000. At the end of this suspension period, Mr. Witt’s teaching license will be reinstated upon application and showing by Mr. Witt that he has undergone an evaluation at his own expense by a psychotherapist or medical professional acceptable to the Commission, and the evaluator submits a written report to the Commission attesting that (l) Mr. Witt is fit to work with children and teenagers and (2) there is a high probability that he will not engage in similar inappropriate behavior. Dated this i/Zlay of September, 2000. ‘ TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION By Mp\ David V. Myton, Exe tive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: t l1 MM ‘ ‘m Monica A. Smith of Attorneys for Jeffrey Witt ’ Page 4 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION - JEFFREY WITT