1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION K 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 4 In the Matter of the ) STIPULATION OF FACTS, 5 Teaching License of ) ORDER OF SUSPENSION 6 KIRK BERNARD KING ) AND PROBATION g ) 9 On or about May 12, 2000, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 1O (Commission) received a report from Randy Harvey, Director of Human Resources, 11 Tigard-Tualatin School District that Kirk King had been the subject of allegations of 12 inappropriate conduct and violation of district policy. The report indicated that Kirk King 13 resigned effective April 30, 2000. The Commission conducted an investigation into 14 these allegations and determined that Mr. King furnished alcoholic beverage to students '15 while house sitting at the Lasswell residence on or about May 22, 1999. The 16 Commission's investigation also determined that Mr. King participated in dating 17 behavior with a female high school student. 18 Mr. King fully cooperated with the Commission’s investigation and did not contest 19 the allegations. After review of the matters alleged, Mr. King and the Commission agree 20 that their respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a 21 stipulation to certain facts and the imposition of a six (6) month suspension of Mr. King’s 22 right to apply for a teaching license. The Commission will impose a probation of two (2) 23 years upon the issuance of a teaching license. This Order sets forth the facts upon 24 which the parties have agreed and the sanction to be imposed. In entering into this 25 stipulation, Mr. King waives the right to a hearing to contest the finding of fact, 26 conclusion of law and order set forth below. Mr. King understands that the probation 27 with be subject to specific conditions. Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF SUSPENSION AND PROBATION 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS ' 2 1. Mr. King held a Reciprocal Oregon Teaching License with a Basic Elementary 3 Endorsement effective September 1, 1998, which expired on September 1, 2000. He 4 was employed by Tigard-Tualatin School District as a middle school teacher from 5 September 1998 until his resignation in lieu of termination effective April 30, 2000. Mr. 6 King was also coaching boys team sports at Tigard High School. Mr. King is not 7 currently employed as a public school teacher. 8 2. On May 22, 1999, while house sitting at the residence of Mark and Kathi 9 Lasswell, Mr. King consumed alcoholic beverages In the company of students and 10 permitted the Lasswell’s two sons and other Tigard high school students to consume 11 the alcoholic beverages at the Lasswell residence. The incident was reported to a 12 school resource officer. The Tigard Police Department investigated the incident and .13 referred the case to the Washington County District Attorney. The Washington County 14 District Attorney has no record of receiving the report; no charges were filed. 15 3. On March 31, 2000, the District received information that Mr. King may have 16 participated in inappropriate behavior with a senior female Tigard High School student, 17 KR. Although KR, a senior female high school student, denies that she dated or was 18 romantically involved with him, Mr. King admits that he dated the female student for a 19 couple of months during the 1999-2000 school year. 20 4. Mr. King accepts responsibility for his behavior and acknowledges his 21 behavior was inappropriate. 22 ULTIMATE FINDINGS OF FACT 23 Mr. King's behavior constitutes serious and material inattention to and breach of .24 professional responsibilities when he furnishing alcoholic beverage to students in ; 25 violation of state law, district policy and Standards for Competent and Ethical 1 Page 2 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF SUSPENSION AND PROBATION 1 Performance of Oregon Educators. Mr. King’s behavior constitutes serious and material ' 2 inattention to and breach of professional responsibilities when he failed to maintain a 3 profession relationship with KR, a female high school student, in violation of district 4 policy and Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon Educators. 5 CONCLUSION OF LAW 6 Mr. King violated OAR 584-020-0010(5) and OAR 584-020a0040(5)(e) when he 7 furnished alcoholic beverage to students at the Lasswell residence. Mr. King violated 8 OAR 584-020-0035(1)(c) when he failed to maintain an appropriate professional 9 student-teacher relationship with a female high school student. 1O This stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order by the 11 Commission. If the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Mr. King nor the 12 Commission are bound by these Stipulations and Mr. King retains all rights to a hearing .13 on the allegations. 14 lT IS SO TIPULATED: 15 jig/[2,1 Zé/Q; Z c/éfi TO ( 16 Kirk King Date 17 , \ 18 pd éég-wa 17/ J"/ "Z 19 David V. Myton Execu Ive Director Date 20 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission , 21 ORDER 22 Based upon the foregoing the Commission suspends Kirk King’s right to apply for ‘ 23 Teaching License for a period of six (6) months beginning January 1, 2001. Upon the 24 issuance of a teaching license to Kirk King, the Commission will impose a two (2) year .25 probation subject to the following conditions: Page 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF SUSPENSION AND PROBATION 1 1. Mr. King shall at his own expense, participate in an intensive education . 2 program regarding appropriate boundaries with students conducted by a qualified 3 trainer of the Commission's choosing. This intensive training shall consist of five (5), 4 one and one-half hour sessions. The Commission will provide the trainer with a copy of 5 this Order prior to Mr. King beginning the program. The program trainer will provide the 6 Commission with a report of successful program completion. l 7 2. Mr. King shall comply with all Standards for Competent and Ethical 8 Performance under Chapter OAR 584, Division O20. 9 3. Mr. King shall provide information as requested by the Commission to verify 10 that he has complied with the conditions of probation, including a statement from his 11 employing district that he has complied with the Standards for Competent and Ethical 12 Performance under Chapter OAR 584, Division 020. .13 4. Violation of the terms of this probation may constitute an independent basis 14 for the Commission to impose discipline, up to and including revocation of Mr. King’s 15 teaching license, subject Mr. King’s right to a hearing on the issue of whether he 16 violated probation. 17 Dated this fiday of March 2001 18 i TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 19 I g Z 20 By: ~iZ\-— 21 David V. yton, E ecutive Director 22 Approved as to form: 23 r» Q/P 24 '25 Ralp ‘ ser, OSB #81423 26 Attor for Kirk King Page 4 STIPULATION OF FACTS, ORDER OF SUSPENSION AND PROBATION