BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the ) Teaching License of ) DEFAULT ORDER JEAN A. SROBA ) REVOKING LICENSE I In early May 1999, Jean Sroba contacted TSPC by telephone regarding reports from her alcohol treatment provider. Ms. Sroba‘s inquiry was related to a Stipulation of Facts, Suspension and Order of Probation adopted by the Commission's in May 1998. Terms of Ms. Sroba's probation required her to provide the EXecutive Director of the Commission with reports of her compliance with her alcohol treatment program. An additional condition of Sroba's probation required her to abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The Executive Director obtained information that Sroba had relapsed and did consume alcohol on several occasions, which violates the terms of her TSPC probation. On August 17, 1999, the Executive Director informed Sroba that he would recommend that the Commission revoke her Oregon Teaching License for violation of the terms of her probation. The letter was sent U.S. Certified Mai1— Return Receipt Requested and was signed by Sroba on August 19, 1999. Ms. Sroba did not request a hearing. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. On May 18, 1998, Jean Ann Sroba signed a Stipulated Agreement with the Commission 3 suspending her license for four months from April 15, 1998 through August 15, 1998. l 2. The Commission placed Sroba on Probation for two years from August 16, 1998 . through August 15, 2000 pursuant to ORS 342.177(3)(b). As a condition of Probation, Sroba was required to, at her on initiative and expense, obtain treatment for her alcohol dependency and comply with the terms of the treatment plan. 3. During the period of her Probation, Sroba was required to provide periodic reports on her compliance with the treatment plan. 4. In early May 1999, the Commission became aware that Sroba had relapsed on her treatment plan and did consume alcohol on several occasions in violation of the terms of her Probation. 5. In accordance with the terms of the Probation, the Executive Director gave notice of intent to revoke Sroba‘s Teaching License on the ground that she had violated the terms of probation. Sroba was entitled to a hearing the issue of whether or not she had completed the terms of probation. Sroba did not request a hearing. ULTIMATE FINDINGS OF FACT Jean Ann Sroba failed to meet the terms of probation as agreed with the Teaching Standards and Practices Commission on May 5, 1998, which included compliance with the terms of the alcohol treatment program and continued sobriety. PAGE 1—DEFAULT ORDER~¢JEAN ANN SROBA CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Under ORS 342.175, the Commission may revoke the teaching license for violation of . Standards of Competent and Ethical Performance for Oregon Educators. The Commission is also authorized to impose probationary periods as appropriate. OPINION Jean Ann Sroba has been provided notice and assistance from her previous employer, Gresham-Barlow School District, to overcome her alcohol dependency. The Commission further attempted to assist in returning her to a productive educator by reinstating her license With probation. Unfortunately, Ms. Sroba has chosen to disregard the Commission's warnings and leaves no option but to revoke her Oregon Teaching License. ORDER The Commission revokes the Oregon Teaching License #242659, issued to Jean Ann Sroba, for violation of the terms of her probation. . n Dated this 252- xday of K g MW , 1999. TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION By: kWh/é fig}: : f David V. Myton, Exec tive Director NOTICE OF APPEAL OR RIGHTS . YOU ARE ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW MAY BE OBTAINED BY FILING A PETITION FOR REVIEW WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM THE SERVICE OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW IS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORS 183.482 TO THE OREGON COURT 0F APPEALS. DVM / cs CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that I served the foregoing order by mailing a true copy thereof certified by me as such by regular U.S. mail and by U.S. Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested to: Jean Ann Sroba 2240 NE Hogan Gresham, OR 97030 . 25¢ Dated this day of , 1999. By: . bfl.) ; C arlene A. Smith . ecutive Assistant to the Commission PAGE 2-DEFAULT ORDER-JEAN ANN SROBA