REC E i V E D : 1 JUN 26 2000 2 maximization 3 4 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 5 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 6 In the Matter of the Teaching License 7 0f: STIPULATION OF FACTS 8 RONALD JOSEPH PAHLE, E églpRgl/lADIED OF PUBLIC 9 10 On or about April 20, 2000, the Teacher Standards and Practices 11 Commission (Commission) notified Ronald Joseph Pahle that a report had been filed 12 alleging that Mr. Pahle was arrested and charged with assault involving his wife, also 13 a teacher in the district, and that on December 6, 1999, Mr. Pahle pled' guilty to 14 harassment and entered into a diversion agreement. The complaint was filed by Larry 15 McMurray, superintendent of Salem-Keizer School District. 16 Mr. Pahle fully cooperated with the Commission’s investigation. After a 17 review of the matters alleged, Mr. Pahle and the Commission have agreed that their 18 respective interests together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to 19 certain facts and the imposition of a public reprimand. This Order sets forth the facts 20 upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to be imposed. In entering into 21 this stipulation, Mr. Pahle waives his right to a hearing to contest the finding of facts, 22 conclusion of law and order set forth below. 23 STIPULATION 0F FACTS 24 la Pahle holds a Basic Teaching License valid until March 7, 2000 and 25 his application for renewal of his teaching license is pending. 26 2. Pahle is employed as a teacher by Salem-Keizer School District and ' x Page 1 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PWkIQE%E5%§Q_IQSO Pammmmlfmuwpd BENNHTtgfiglye‘: mm“ ' 1 has worked in that capacity since 1995. 2 3. On January 26, 2000 TSPC received a report that Pahle violated 3 standards for competent and ethical performance of Oregon educators. 4 4. On November 5, 1999, Pahle was arrested at Walker Middle School 5 and charged with Assault IV, a felony. The assault was off-campus and off-duty. 6 5. On December 6, 1999, Pahle entered a conditional guilty plea to ORS I 7 166.065 Harassment, a misdemeanor, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for 8 Polk County as a criterion for entering the Diversion Program. The plea was not 9 entered as a judgment. 10 6. On December 6, 1999, Pahle entered into a Diversion Agreement 11 with the court, is monitored by the Polk County District Attorney’s Office and is 180 l2 days in length. 13 7. On June 23, 2000, Pahle successfully completed an Anger ' 14 Management program in Kurt Mosher’s Choices Program in Dallas, Oregon, as 15 required by the Diversion Agreement. 16 8. Pahle completed the Diversion Program and the conditional plea of 17 guilty will be dismissed by the Polk County District Attorney’s Office against him. 18 9. Pahle’s role as a teacher nor his good teaching record was questioned 19 during this investigation. 20 10. Pahle has continued his employment with the Salem-Keizer School 21 District in a reassigned position. 22 Pahle enters into this Stipulation of Facts with the knowledge that TSPC 23 will adopt an Order requiring the issuance of a public reprimand. This Stipulation is 24 contingent upon the approval and adoption of the Order by the Commission. If the 25 Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Pahle nor the Commission are bound 26 by these stipulations and he retains all rights to a hearing on the allegations. ‘ Page 2 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBIéinghiéging-mo Pahle\StipulationofFacm.wpd BENNmkgfigsfétagfimus . 1 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 2 . 3 29W t “M \ (Zuyfl/ ’ (>476 57600 Ron Josep ahle D V e 4 . 3 5 Davr V. Myton, Executive Secretary Date 6 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 7 // CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 8 The conduct described in paragraph four of the Findings of Fact constitutes 9 ground for discipline under ORS 342.175 (1)(a) and OAR 584-020-0040 (3)(a). 10 ORDER 11 The Commission issues a public reprimand against Pahle. The Findings of ‘2 Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order herein shall serve as the public reprimand. ,/ ‘3 DATED this Z Zflday of \l , 2000. . 14 t 15 BY: . . . David V, Myton, Exec trve Director 16 l7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 18 19 flaw/L12 y 41/041» if Adrienne C. Nelson 20 Attorney for Pahle Dated: 4 4/11, 4m 21 22 23 24 25 26 Page 3 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBIéiQEmggwlhggNtan ngmpumm ofFacmwpd BENNETTAagrEwSAa'i {BEVEVNOLDS Suirq1suo Partikiqvériéfiévfifivs Telephonst 03l227-461JO a ac E I v ED 1 JUN 2 6 2000 2 “Mai 3 4 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION . 5 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 6 In the Matter of the Teaching License 7 0f: STIPULATION OF FACTS 8 RONALD JOSEPH PAHLE, a RENERIOMREIED OF PUBLIC 9 10 On or about April 20, 2000, the Teacher Standards and Practices 11 Commission (Commission) notified Ronald Joseph Pahle that a report had been filed 12 alleging that Mr. Pahle was arrested and charged with assault involving his wife, also 13 a teacher in the district, and that on December 6, 1999, Mr. Pahle pled guilty to - 14 harassment and entered into a diversion agreement. The complaint was filed by Larry 15 McMurray, superintendent of Salem-Keizer School District. 16 Mr. Pahle fully cooperated with the Commission’s investigation. After a 17 review of the matters alleged, Mr. Pahle and the Commission have agreed that their 13 respective interests together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to _ 19 certain facts and the imposition of a public reprimand. This Order sets forth the facts 20 upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to be imposed. In entering into 21 this stipulation, Mr. Pahle waives his right to a hearing to contest the finding of facts, 22 conclusion of law and order set forth below. 23 STIPULATION OF FACTS 24 l. Pahle holds a Basic Teaching License valid until March 7, 2000 and 25 his application for renewal of his teaching license is pending. 26 2. Pahle is employed as a teacher by Salem-Keizer School District and I Page 1 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBIéRngglzlénmmm WWW“. “Fwy” Bu"“'r§2§3‘$§lt£“"°‘°s . 1 has worked in that capacity since 1995. 2 3. On January 26, 2000 TSPC received a report that Pahle violated 3 standards for competent and ethical performance of Oregon educators. 4 4. On November 5, 1999, Pahle was arrested at Walker Middle School 5 and charged with Assault IV, a felony. The assault was off-campus and off-duty. 6 5. On December 6, 1999, Pahle entered a conditional guilty plea to ORS 7 166.065 Harassment, a misdemeanor, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for 8 Polk County as a criterion for entering the Diversion Program. The plea was not 9 entered as a judgment. 10 6. On December 6, 1999, Pahle entered into a Diversion Agreement 11 with the court, is monitored by the Polk County District Attomey’s Office and is 180 l2 days in length. 13 7. On June 23, 2000, Pahle successfully completed an Anger ‘i ‘ 14 Management program in Kurt Mosher’s Choices Program in Dallas, Oregon, as 15 required by the Diversion Agreement. 16 8. Pahle completed the Diversion Program and the conditional plea of 4 17 guilty will be dismissed by the Polk County District Attomey’s Office against him. 18 9. Pahle’s role as a teacher nor his good teaching record was questioned 19 during this investigation. 20 10. Pahle has continued his employment with the Salem-Keizer School 21 District in a reassigned position. 22 Pahle enters into this Stipulation of Facts with the knowledge that TSPC 23 will adopt an Order requiring the issuance of a public reprimand. This Stipulation is 24 contingent upon the approval and adoption of the Order by the Commission. If the 25 Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Pahle nor the Commission are bound . 26 by these stipulations and he retains all rights to a hearing on the allegations. i Page 2 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PUBIéggElelzmflw HMSGWIM omewpd “mmnfifiwh'fi'mws . . 1 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 2 . 3 2A6 . 02¢ 000 Ron Josep ahle D e 4 § W a}; 490-’ 5 Da V. Myton, Executive Secretary Date 6 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 7 // CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 8 The conduct described in paragraph four of the Findings of Fact constitutes 9 ground for discipline under ORS 342.175 (1)(a) and OAR 584-020-0040 (3)(a). 1° ORDER 11 The Commission issues a public reprimand against Pahle. The Findings of 12 Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order herein shall serve as the public reprimand. /‘ ' 13 DATED this Z Z {1:18.}! of \l 2000. l4 t 15 BY: . . . Davrd V. Myton, Exec trve Drrector l6 l7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: l 8 19 flea/1.4g / @v/ér/ Adrienne C. Nelson 20 Attorney for Pahle Datediwm 21 22 23 24 25 o 26 Page 3 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF PLBIéi§E§£§WJ 950 “11¢sz 11wade BENNEITAmrELVgAy‘ tflmEYNOLDS P as. sitihléffimua ‘teliinafifiiéfigflzzfiédgs