BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION . OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 4 In the Matter of the ) 5 Teaching License of ) DEFAULT ORDER OF 6 JASON CHARLES HOLMGREN ) LICENSE REVOCATION 7 x On January 21, 2005, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 9 issued a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to Jason Charles Holmgren (Holmgren) in which the 10 Commission charged him with misconduct under ORS 342.175. The Notice was sent via U.S. 11 First Class Mail and U.S. Certified Mail Receipt 7004 2510 0002 6790 9796 to the address that 12 Mr. Holmgren provided to the Commission. The US Certified Mail and U.S. First Class Mail 13 were returned to the Commission unsigned on January 26, 2005. The Notice of Opportunity of 14 Hearing, dated January 21, 2005, and signed by Victoria Chamberlain, Executive Director, 15 stated: "You, Jason Charles Holmgren, are entitled to a hearing on the proposed action of the Commission. If you want a hearing, you must file a written request for a 8 hearing with the Commission within 21 days oi the date of this notice. Attached 19 to this notice is a copy oi the procedures, right oi representation and other rights 20 of parties relating to the conduct ot a hearing as required under ORS 21 183.413(2).” 22 23 Mr. Holmgren did not request a hearing. The Commission, therefore, finds 24 Mr. Holmgren to be in default and enters the following findings of fact, conclusions of law 25 and order, based on the files and records of the Commission concerning this matter. 20 FINDINGS 0F FACT 27 1. Mr. Holmgren holds an Initial Teaching License with endorsements in Biology and 28 Multiple Subjects, issued July 2, 2002, valid until April 25, 2006. 29 2. On or about February 29, 2004, Mr. Holmgren engaged in an act constituting criminal 30 conduct by operating a motor vehicle under the influence of intoxicants in Marion County, PAGE 1 — DEFAULT ORDER OF LICENSE REVOCATION — JASON CHARLES HOLMGREN '1 Oregon. Mr. Holmgren was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of lntoxicants by Oregon 2 State Police near Salem, Oregon. His Blood Alcohol Content was .17 percent. 3 3. On or about June 17, 2004, Mr. Holmgren was convicted of Possession Controlled 4 Substance 2 (felony) in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. The 5 Court sentenced Mr. Holmgren to 80 hours community service and 18 months supervised 6 probation. 7 4. On or about October 13, 2004, Mr. Holmgren was found guilty of violating the alcohol 8 condition of his criminal probation. Mr. Holmgren was sentenced to 2O days jail and 10 days 9 work crew for violation of probation. 10 CONCLUSIONS 0F LAW 11 Jason Charles Holmgren‘s alcohol related criminal convictions, criminal conduct, and 12 violation of criminal probation constitute Gross Unfitness as defined in OAR 584-020- 3 0040(5)(c),OAR 584-020-0040(5)(e) and OAR 584-020‘OO40(5)(i). The Commission's authority ‘4 to impose discipline in this matter is based upon ORS 342.175. 15 ORDER 16 The Commission hereby revokes the Initial Teaching License issued to Jason Charles 17 Holmgren. 18 lT IS SO ORDERED this [g day of March, 2005. 19 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 21 By 22 ictoria Chamb in, Executive Director ii NOTICE OF APPEAL OR RIGHTS it: YOU ARE ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW MAY BE 27 OBTAINED BY FILING A PETITION FOR REVIEW WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM THE SERVICE 28 OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW IS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORS 29 183.482 TO THE OREGON COURT OF APPEALS. . PAGE 2 — DEFAULT ORDER OF LICENSE REVOCATION — JASON CHARLES HOLMGREN . CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 3 I hereby certify that I served the foregoing order by mailing a true copy thereof certified by me 4 as such by regular U.S. mail and by U.S. Certified Mai|—Return Receipt Requested, addressed 5 to: 6 7 Jason Charles Holmgren 8 6555 SE 65"‘ Avenue 9 Ml Portland, Oregon 97206 10 S) 11 Dated thi J day of March, 2005. 12 ‘ 13 ~ .r [7 i 14 ‘ 15 By: . (Ifl 16 Melo y Hanso cutive Assistant I PAGE 1 - CERTIFICATE OF MAILING — JASON CHARLES HOLMGREN