1 BEFORE THE TEACHIS STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the ) - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND 4 Educator License of ) FINAL ORDER OF 5 ) PUBLIC REPRIMAN D 6 ELIZABETH ANNE CARAVACA ) g On or about August 24, 2016, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 9 (Commission) referred the application of Elizabeth Anne Caravaca (Caravaca) to 1O Professional Practices for investigation after determining Caravaca may have worked as 1 1 a school administrator without a valid license or registration. 12 After review of the matters alleged, Caravaca and the Commission agree that 13 their respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a 14 stipulation t0 certain facts and the imposition of a public reprimand. 1 5 This Order sets forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the 16 sanction to be imposed. Caravaca stipulates that there are sufficient facts contained in 17 the C0mmission’s files and records to support the findings of fact and conclusions of law 18 set forth below. In entering into this stipulation, Caravaca waives the right to a hearing 19 to contest the findings of fact, conclusions of law and order set forth below. 20 By signing below, Caravaca acknowledges, understands, stipulates, and agrees to 21 the following: (i) she has been fully advised of her rights to notice and a hearing to 22 contest the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order set forth below, and fully and 23 finally waives all such rights and any rights to appeal or otherwise challenge this 24 Stipulation of Facts and Final Order of Reprimand (Stipulation and Final Order); (ii) this 25 Stipulation and Final Order is a public document and disclosed to the public upon 26 request by the Commission; (iii) this Stipulation and Final Order is contingent upon and 27 subject to approval and adoption by the Commission. If the Commission does not 28 approve and adopt this Stipulation and Final Order, then neither Caravaca nor the 29 Commission are bound by the terms herein; (iv) she has fully read this Stipulation and 3O Final Order, and understands it completely; (v) she voluntarily, without any force or 31 duress, enters into this Stipulation and Final Order and consents to issuance and entry of 32 the Stipulated Final Order below; (vi) she states that no promise or representation has 33 been made to induce her to sign this Stipulation and Final Order; and (vii) she has 34 consulted with an attorney regarding this Stipulation and Final Order and has been fully 35 advised with regard to her rights thereto, or waives any and all rights to consult with an Page 1 STIPULATlON OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REPRIMAND- ELIZABETH ANNE CARAVACA 1 attorney prior to entering into this Stipulation and Final Order and issuance and entry of 2 the Stipulated Final Order below. 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS 4 1. The Commission has licensed Caravaca since September 5, 2007. Caravaca 5 previously held an Initial Teaching License, with an endorsement in Multiple 6 Subjects Self-Contained (ECE, ELE), that was valid from September 5, 2007 7 through March 5, 2009. Caravaca currently holds a Charter School Registry, with 8 an endorsement in Administrator (ALL LVL), valid from September 7, 2016, 9 through September 7, 2019. During all relevant times, Caravaca was employed by . . 1O theh'y School,—ehartered by the State Board of'Education. ' ' ' r ’ ' " ' " " ' ' " ' 1 1 12 2. On August 24, 2016, Commission staff referred Caravaca’s application to 13 Professional Practices after determining she may have worked as a school 14 administrator without a valid license or registration. Investigation determined 15 Caravaca began her employment as the director of the Ivy School, a public 16 charter school, in August 2015. Records indicate Caravaca made application for a 1 7 charter school registry on August 3, 2015. Caravaca began performing her 18 administrative duties prior to the issuance of any license / registration. 1 9 20 Caravaca did not request expedited service of her application for licensure / 21 registration. In December 2015, TSPC licensure staff sent an Incomplete 22 Application Notice to Caravaca’s email address on file. The notice directed 23 Caravaca to complete required fingerprinting and testing requirements within 90 24 days; otherwise, Caravaca’s application would be expired and she would need to 25 reapply for licensure / registration. Caravaca failed t0 complete the application 26 process, and her application was closed on March 8, 2016. 27 28 Caravaca made re-application for her licensure / registration on March 15, 2016. 29 The Ivy School Board of Directors provided a letter 0f explanation regarding 3O Caravaca’s failed and delayed application process. Caravaca completed the 31 required fingerprinting and civil rights test, and her charter school registration 32 was issued 0n September 7, 2016. As a result of Caravaca’s conduct, she served as 33 an administrator without a valid license or registration for a period of 34 approximately one full calendar year, including the 2015/ 2016 school year. Page 2 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REPRIMAND- ELIZABETH ANNE CARAVACA 1 IT IS S P LATED: 2 1m VFW} 3 4 El' abeth Anne Caravaca Date 2 “1%Dmml X/cr [/7 7 Trent a 0w ', Co-Interim Executive Director Date 8 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 9 10 CONCLUSION OF LAW __, "a .21 L Wi The wI3qumbevsrgnstimfisetwsasetoisluts/in vifitianpf ORZS V ., 4.. 2 2 .2. 12 342.175(1)(b); OAR 584-020-0040(4)(n) as it incorporates OAR 584-020-0010(5) (Use 13 professional judgment); OAR 584-020-0040(4)(r) Working without a license); and 14 OAR 584-050-0035 (1) (Any person hired to fill a position in a school district, education 1 5 service district, or charter school for which a license or registration is required 16 pursuant to ORS Chapter 342, must hold a valid license or registration appropriate for 1 7 the assignment on the date the employment begins and at all times while working as a 1 8 public school, education service district or charter school employee). 19 20 The Commission’s authority to impose discipline in this matter is based upon 21 ORS 342.175. 22 ORDER 23 The Commission adopts and incorporates herein the above findings of fact and 24 conclusions of law, and based thereon, imposes a public reprimand on Elizabeth Anne 25 Caravaca’s Oregon educators License / Registration. 26 27 28 Issued and dated this fi day of November, 2017. 29 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 3O STATE OF OREGON 31 32 By 3C4.’ é; Dflif Z 33 Trent Danowski, Co-Interim Executive Director Page 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REPRIMAND- ELIZABETH ANNE CARAVACA