f‘ ‘ 1 STATE OF OREGON 2 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 3 In the Matter of the Teaching License of I STlPULATION AND ORDER OF 4 CHESTER FAURHOLT SUSPENSION 5 6 On January 21, 2001 , the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 7 issued a Notice of Opportunity Hearing to Chester Faurholt in which the Commission charged 8 Mr. Faurholt with misconduct and proposed to suspend or revoke Mr. F aurholt’s teaching license 9 or otherwise impose discipline under ORS 342.177. On about March 7, 2001, the Commission 10 issued an amended notice of hearing. Mr. F aurholt requested a hearing. The Commission and 11 Mr. Faurholt have now reviewed the matters alleged and have agreed that their respective . 12 interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to certain facts and a V 13 suspension of Mr. Faurholt’s teaching license followed by a period of probation. In entering into 14 this stipulation, Mr. Faurholt waives his right to a hearing. This stipulation sets forth the facts 15 upon which Mr. Faurholt and the Commission have agreed as well as the C0mmission’s l6 Conclusion of Law and Order. l7 This stipulation and order is contingent upon approval and adoption by the Commission. 18 If the Commission does not adopt the stipulation and order, neither Mr. Faurholt or the l9 Commission shall be bound by any matters contained herein, and Mr, Faurholt shall retain all 20 rights to a hearing on the allegations set forth in the amended notice. 21 STIPULATED FACTS 22 Mr. Faurholt and the Commission stipulate as follows: 23 Page 1 - STIPULATION AND ORDER 0F SUSPENSION JGMzijh/GENGENS 1473 pigm giggle; S?§%?s?1‘§253§° ‘ l l) Mr. Faurholt holds a Standard Teaching License for teaching in elementary 2 grades. He has been employed as an elementary school teacher for the Butte Falls 3 School District from 1969 until the present time. He resigned his position with 4 the district effective at the end of the 2001 school year. 5 During his tenure with the Butte Falls School District, Mr. Faurholt has received 6 generally positive evaluations, and he has not previously been disciplined by the 7 Commission. 8 2) On several instances during the 2000-2001 school year, Mr. Faurholt stared 9 through the bathroom window at a female parent of students who attended the 10 elementary school where Mr. Faurholt was employed. Mr. Faurholt continued to 11 stare into this person’s bathroom window afier Mr. Faurholt had been requested to .12 cease the practice. 13 3) Mr. Faurholt’s behavior caused alarm to the parent and caused her to have l4 reasonable apprehension concerning her personal safety. 15 4) As a result of Mr. Faurholt’s conduct, the parent filed a petition with the Jackson l6 County Circuit Court. Following a hearing, the court issued a permanent stalking 17 protective order on July 20, 2000. The court made a finding that Mr. Faurholt had 18 engaged in repeated and unwanted contact with the parent and thereby alarmed or 19 coerced the parent. The court further ordered Mr. Faurholt not to have any 20 contact or communication with the parent except at elementary school functions. 21 /// 22 /// ’ 23 /// Page 2 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION JGM:rjh/GENGEN81473 pfgzaréfir: 3331511301; 523?; $2.233? . 1 5) Since July 20, 2000, Mr. Faurholt has complied with the terms of the permanent 2 stalking protective order. i 4 ‘4 /’ (/l/ M t% Z f 1 O i ester Faurholt Dat 5 \ \ \ 6 Ego/‘15 Qél/lle 51 710! 7 David V. Myt n, Execu ive Director Date 8 CONCLUSION OF LAW 9 Mr. Faurholt’s conduct constitutes gross unfitness under OAR 585-020-0005. 1 0 ll ORDER ‘12 The Oregon Teaching License of Chester Faurholt is suspended for a period of 13 five months, from June 15, 2001 through November 15, 2001. At the end of the 14 suspension period, Mr. Faurholt’s license shall be reinstated, upon application, if Mr. 15 Faurholt obtains an evaluation from a mental health professional who is acceptable to the 16 Commission, and the evaluator provides the Commission with a written report stating 17 that Mr. Faurholt does not present a threat or danger to students. The report must contain 18 a statement that, in the professional opinion of the evaluator, there is a strong likelihood 19 Mr. Faurholt will not engage in stalking behavior in the future. Mr. Faurholt shall also 20 comply with all recommendations of the evaluator. 21 Upon reinstatement of Mr. Faurholt’s Teaching License, he shall be placed on 22 probation for a period of four years, subject t0 the following conditions: .23 /// Page 3 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION JGM:rjh/GENGEN81473 Dlegzrggzntt $2315‘)th $233“; $l§i$3l° ' l l) Mr. Faurholt shall participate in treatment and counseling as 2 recommended by the mental health evaluator. Regardless of the 3 recommendation of the evaluator, such treatment and counseling shall 4 consist of at a minimum of two individual or group counseling sessions 5 per month for the first year of probation. At the end of the first year of 6 probation, Mr. Faurholt shall furnish the Commission with written 7 verification of his compliance with this requirement. 8 2) Mr. Faurholt shall provide consent for the counselor or therapist to contact 9 the Commission or respond to Commission inquiries as to Mr. Faurholt’s 10 participation and cooperation in treatment and counseling. 11 3) Mr. Faurholt shall comply with all Standards for Competent and Ethical .12 Performance under OAR 584-020. 13 Violation of the terms of this probation may constitute an independent basis for the 14 Commission to impose discipline, up to and including revocation of Mr. Faurholt’s Oregon 15 Teaching License, subject to his right to a hearing on the issue of whether he violated probation. 16 17 IT IS SO ORDERED THIS LigLAY OF MAY, 2001. 18 TEACHERS STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 19 20 . 9 : . 21 By: Q 22 David V. Myton, Executive Director .23 Page 4 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION JGMzrjh/GENGEN81473 mirgm'giithcé 32%;‘; $2.233?