‘ 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 0F TI-[E STATE OF OREGON 3 In the matter of the Teaching and Administrative Licenses of: SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND 4 EDWIN THOMAS LEGACE, JR. ORDER 5 i 6 Based on negotiations between the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 7 (Commission) and Edwin Thomas Legace Jr., Mr. Legace has agreed to surrender his Oregon 8 Teaching and Administrative Licenses pursuant to OAR 584-050-0027. In entering this 9 stipulation, Mr. Legace understands that the Commission will accept the surrender of his licenses 10 and impose a revocation of the licenses. As part of the negotiations in this matter, the 11 Commission has agreed upon submission of an appropriate application, to issue to Mr. Legace an l2 Administrative Teaching License in order to allow him to complete the current semester of his 13 employment as an administrator with the Crook County School District where he has been 14 working under a misassignment. 15 STIPULATION 16 1. Mr. Legace holds an Oregon Administrative License and an Oregon Teaching l7 License. 18 2. During the 1987-88 school year, Mr. Legace had sexual contact, including sexual l9 intercourse, with a l7 year old female high school student of the El Capitan High School in 20 Lakeside, California, while Mr. Legace was employed as a teacher at the school. As a result, the 21 student had a child in 1998, and Mr. Legace is the father of that child. Mr. Legace 22 maintains that sexual intercourse occurred on only one occasion. .l 23 /// 2 Page l - SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER J GM:tjh\G:\TJI-l\tapwip\GEN08 136.1306 Department ofJustice 1162 Court sum NE 83%?3?%233§° i k ‘ l 3. Mr. Legace filed applications with the Commission for an Oregon Teaching 2 License in June 1993, August 1994, May 1996 and August 1996. On his applications, he 3 answered "no" to the questions: "Have you ever been released or have you ever resigned from 4 any educational position or school related employment because of a claim that you engaged in 5 misconduct or unsatisfactory service?" and "Have you ever resigned from an educational 6 position or school-related employment while under investigation for misconduct or 7 unsatisfactory service?" These statements were false because Mr. Legace had resigned from a 8 teaching position at the Grossmont Union High School in 1988 while under investigation by the 9 district for professional misconduct. - 10 Based on the above, Mr. Legace surrenders his teaching and administrative licenses, and '7 l l he understands that the Commission will revoke his licenses 13 \ w / - 9‘? ' 79 Edwin Thomas Legace Jr. Date 14 l6 David V. Myton, Executive Date Director, Teacher Standards and Practices Commission l7 l 8 ORDER 19 Based on the foregoing, the Commission finds that Edwin Thomas Legace I r. violated 20 OAR 584-020-0040(4)(c) and (f), accepts the surrender of all Oregon Teaching and 21 Administrative Licenses held by Mr. Legace and orders that the Oregon Teaching and 22 Administrative Licenses are hereby revoked g 23 /// Page 2 - SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER J GM:tjh\G:\TJ1-l\tapwip\GEN08136.DOC new...“ must-w 1162 own Street NE Salem, 0R 97310 1 (503)378-6003 l 1. i a, F ‘ 1 DATED this ‘1L day of 1% 1999. 2 40 ‘ ML, 3 _L__ David V. Myton, Executive Director 4 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 5 Approved as to form: 6 I ,\ I a .- Jame 'rown 8 Atto y for Edwin Thomas Legace Jr. 9 lO ll . 12 l3 14 15 l6 l7 ‘ 18 l9 20 21 p 22 i ' 23 Page 3 - SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER JGM:tjh\G:\TJH\tapwip\GEN08136.1300 Department ofJusticc 1162 Court Street NE Salem,OR 97310 (503) 378-6003