1 f .1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the ) STIPULATION OF FACTS 4 Administrative License of ) AND 5 CAROL ANN CASTLE ) ORDER OF REPRIMAND 6 7 On April 25, 2003, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 8 received a complaint from Detective Jack Piazzini, Klamath Falls Police Department indicating 9 that Carol Ann Castle (Castle) compromised, at least in part, a sexual abuse investigation by 1O disclosing the name of the victim to a third party. , 1 1 Ms. Castle fully cooperated with the Commission’s investigation. After review of the I 12 matters alleged, Ms. Castle and the Commission agree that their respective interests, together I 13 with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to certain facts and an imposition of a , 14 Public Reprimand. . This Order sets forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to 16 be imposed. Ms. Castle stipulates that there are sufficient facts contained in the Commission’s 17 files and records to support the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth below. In 18 entering into this stipulation, Ms. Castle waives the right to a hearing to contest the findings of 19 fact, conclusions of law and order set forth below. 20 This stipulation is contingent upon approval and. adoption of the Order by the . 21 Commission. lf the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Ms. Castle nor the 22 Commission are bound by these stipulations, and Ms. Castle retains all rights to a hearing on 23 the allegations. 24 STIPULATION OF FACTS 25 1. The Commission has licensed Carol Ann Castle since 1993. Ms. Castle currently 26 holds a Standard Administrative License issued January 20, 2003, valid until February 23, 2008. .7 2. Ms. Castle is assigned as a Principal of Klamath Union High, Klamath Falls City 28 Schools. Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REPRIMAND — CASTLE ‘ 3. On or about April 8, 2003, after learning about a party where students consumed 2 alcohol and a female student reported rape, Ms. Castle telephoned the homeowner, a parent. 3 During the conversation the parent, who was out of town at the time of the party, inquired as to 4 the identity of the female student who reported that she had been raped. Ms. Castle confirmed 5 the identity of the student to the parent. 6 4. Ms. Castle acknowledges that it was inappropriate to disclose confidential student 7 information and takes responsibility for her behavior. 8 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 9 g g , g g Q, E Q; g {if 1 1% a 4 104 10 ‘Carol Ann Castle Date 11 \ 12 tM (Q6W/w/W 74/28}! 13 Victoria Chamberlain, Executive Director Date 14 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission ‘ CONCLUSION OF LAW 16 While serving as an administrator for Klamath Falls City Schools, Carol Ann Castle failed 17 to use professional judgment and released confidential information concerning a student in 18 violation of OAR 584-020-0010(5) and OAR 584-020-0035(1)(a) This behavior constitutes 19 Gross Neglect of Duty. The Commission’s authority to impose discipline in this matter is based 20 upon ORS 342.175. O Page 2 STIPULATlON OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REPRIMAND — CASTLE d ORDER 2 The Commission hereby adopts the above findings of fact and imposes a Public 3 Reprimand upon the Licensure of Carol Ann Castle. This Order shall serve as the Public 4 Reprimand. 7” 5 IT IS SO ORDERED this day of May, 2004. 6 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 7 “x v £41." (‘6' "I / '/ - . 8 B ./ , z M". 7’ I, 9 ictoria Ch in, Exec ive Director 10 11 APPROVED TO FORM 12 ' 13 14 Michael C. Peterson, OSB# 95185 ‘ Attorney for Carol Ann Castle {0415041 Page 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REPRIMAND — CASTLE