5" 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION ‘ 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON Z In the Matter of the ) 5 Teaching License of ) STIPULATION OF FACTS g JERI LYNN WILGERS g AND ORDER OF REVOCATION 8 On February 15, 2001, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 9 (Commission) informed Jeri Lynn WiIgers that the Commission had found sufficient 10 evidence of Violation of Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon 11 educators to charge her with misconduct regarding her falsification of her teaching 12 license. Ms. WiIgers fully cooperated with the Commission's investigation and did not 13 contest the allegation. After a review of the matters alleged, Ms. WiIgers and the 14 Commission have agreed that their respective interests, together with the public ' 15 interest, are best served by a stipulation of facts and a voluntary surrender of Ms. 16 WiIgers’ Oregon Teaching License in accordance with OAR 584-050-0027. ln entering 17 into this stipulation, Ms. WiIgers waives her right to a hearing and understands that the 18 Commission will accept the voluntary surrender of her license and will revoke the 19 license. 20 STIPULATION 0F FACTS 21 1. On January 20, 1995, the Commission issued a Standard Teaching License 22 with a Standard Language Arts 020 endorsement/authorization to Jeri Lynn WiIgers 23 valid until January 8, 2001. 24 2. On or about February 10, 1995, Ms. WiIgers added the words “STANDARD 25 HANDICAPPED LEARNER ll O18" onto the Endorsements and Authorization section on 26 the face of her Standard Teaching License. 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REVOCATION - JERI LYNN WILGERS . 1 3. On or about February 10, 1995, Ms. WiIgers presented her altered teaching 2 license to her employer, South Coast ESD as verification of proper licensure for her 3 Special Education teaching assignment. 4 4. On November 28, 2000, Ms. WiIgers submitted a C-1 Application for renewal 5 with attached PEER form indicating five years experience as a K-12 teacher in the 6 Handicapped Learner subject area. On February 7, 2001, the Commission renewed 7 Ms. WiIgers teaching license for one year because she had not taught within her subject 8 area. 9 Ms. WiIgers enters into this Stipulation of Facts with knowledge the Teacher 10 Standards and Practices Commission will revoke her Oregon Teaching License. This 11 stipulation is contingent on approval and adoption of the order by the Commission. If .12 the Commission does not adopt this order, neither Ms. WiIgers nor the Commission are 13 bound by these stipulations and she retains all rights to a hearing on the allegations. 14 IT IS SO STIPULATED: ‘ 15 W .QLLQS' W 16 Jeri ynn Wil rs Date 17 a 12 @M@s_s: f/Zl/O/ 20 David V. Myton, Executive Director Date 21 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 22 ULTIMATE FINDING 0F FACT 23 Jeri Lynn WiIgers altered the authorization code on her teaching license by adding 24 an endorsement for a special education assignment. O 2 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REVOCATION - JERI LYNN WILGERS . 1 CONCLUSION 0F LAW 2 Under ORS 342.175 and OAR 584-020-0040(4)(c), false statements and forged 3 public documents are grounds for finding of gross neglect of duty. 4 ORDER 5 The Commission revokes the Oregon Teaching License of Jeri Lynn WiIgers for 6 falsification of documents related to her employment and licensure as an educator. 7 DATED THIS @Jnday of March 2001. 8 9 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 1O 11 A9 , i Z" 12 By: M LA 13 David V. Myton, Executive irector 14 15 Approved as to form: 016 17 ' 18 19 una A. Masih OSB# 9 324 20 Attorney for Jeri Lynn WiIgers 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF REVOCATION - JERI LYNN WILGERS