l BEFORE THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS Q ON BEHALF OF 3 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 4 In the Matter of the Teaching License of OAH Case No. I 10849 5 MICHAEL KEITH PLOUFF l 6 FINAL ORDER BY DEFAULT 7 On March l 1, 2003, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) 8 issued a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to Michael Keith Plouff, in which the Commission 9 proposed to revoke Mr. Plouft‘ s n'ght t0 apply for an Oregon Teaching License. Mr. Plouff 10 requested a hearing. A hearing was scheduled before Administrative Law Judge Michael Duane 11 Brown at 9 a.m. on January I3, 2004. Mr. Plouff failed to appear at the scheduled time and place 2 of the hearing. ‘3 The Notice of Opportunity for Hearing informed Mr. Plouff that if he failed to appear at l4 the hearing the Commission would adopt an order of default and that the records contained the 15 files of the Commission would automatically become a part of the contested case record upon l6 default for purposes of proving a prama facie case. The Commission, therefore, finds Mr. Plouff l7 in default and enters the following findings of fact, conclusions of law and order, based on the 18 files and records of the Commission concerning this matter. ‘ l9 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 20 1. Michael Keith Plouff held a Basic Oregon Teaching License from July I985 until 21 July 9, 2002 when the license expired. 22 2. Mr. Plouff was employed as a teacher at the Kelly Middle Schools in Eugene, 23 Oregon, from I985 until June 12, 2002 when he resigned his position with the district. O Page l - FINAL ORDER BY DEFAULT JGMth h\GENH8962 mix: $331101; s“‘i§b§’§‘93¥i‘é'£°“ 1 3. In the fall of 2000, Mr. PloufPs supervising principal, Jane Harrison, began Q receiving complaints from staff members that they smelled alcohol on Mr. Plouffs breath. In 3 March 2001, Ms. Harrison, sent a memo to Mr. Plouff expressing concern about the complaints 4 and recommending that Mr. Plouff seek help from an alcohol treatment provider. Mr. Plouff 5 denied that he had a drinking problem or that he had appeared at work afier consuming alcohol. 6 4. In 2001, Mr. Plouff worked in a summer school program. There were complaints 7 from the summer school staff about Mr. Plouffs level of cooperation and the odor of alcohol on 8 Mr. Ploufi‘. 9 5. In August 2001, Tim Rochholz became principal at Kelly Middle Schools. 10 Mr. Rochholz wrote a memo to Mr. Plouff concerning the complaints from summer school staff ll and putting Mr. Plouff on notice that coming to work while smelling of alcohol would not be tolerated. é 6. During the fall of 2001, there were additional complaints from staff who believed l4 that Mr. Plouff smelled of alcohol. Mr. PloufPs work performance deteriorated. He was absent 15 during l6 of the first 4O days of school. He did not maintain adequate student progress records 16 and did not leave adequate lesson plans for a substitute teacher to follow. He also did not appear 17 for a scheduled teacher-parent conference day, even though a significant number of his students l8 were not achieving passing grades. On November 5, 2001, Mr. Rochholz informed Mr. Ploufi‘ in l9 writing that a doctor’s note would be required for any future absences. 20 7. Following negotiations with the district, Mr. Plouff agreed and his attorney agreed 21 that Mr. Plouff would submit to alcohol testing if the school had a credible report that he smelled 22 of alcohol. € Page 2 - FINAL ORDER BY DEFAULT J GM :tjh\GENH8962 mm gasp: ‘ $112,‘)? 9231;12:096 ‘ .‘ 8. 0n March l, Mr. Plouff submitted to a breath alcohol test. He tested positive with 2 a 0.085 percent blood alcohol content. 3 9. As a result of his positive test result, Mr. Plouff was placed on a leave of absence 4 and was admitted to an in-patient alcohol treatment program. Afler completion of treatment of 5 the inpatient program, Mr. Plouff was allowed to retum to work and signed a “Last Chance” 6 Agreement with the school agreement. Part of the agreement required Mr. Plouff to abstain from 7 the use of alcohol and continue with treatment through an alcohol treatment provider. 8 10. Mr. Plouff returned to work on April 1, 2002. On April 15, he was again tested at 9 the school and registered a 0.012 percent blood-alcohol content. Shortly thereafier, he resigned 10 his position as a teacher with the district. 1 l 11. On May 2, 2002, Mr. Ploufi‘s treatment program issued a status report indicating that his case was being closed because he had discontinued treatment against clinical advice. ‘3 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 14 1. ORS 342.175 authorizes the Commission to revoke the right of any person to apply 15 for a teaching license if the person has held a license at any time within the previous five years. l6 2. Mr. Plouff appeared on duty on two separate occasions while under the influence l7 of alcohol. 18 /// l9 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 6 /// Page 3 - FINAL ORDER BY DEFAULT J GMztj h\GENH8962 Department ofJustice 1 152 Court Sheet NE Sa“22‘0‘2>“9313‘§'23‘°% ‘I ORDER 2 Based on the foregoing, the right of Michael Keith Plouff to apply for an Oregon 3 Teaching License is revoked. +0 4 IT IS SO ORDERED this A5’ day of January 2004. 5 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 6 4 WM 7 Victoria Charnb r1 in, Executive Director 8 9 APPEAL RIGHTS: You are entitled to judicial review of this order in accordance with ORS 10 Chapter 183.480. You may request judicial review by filing a petition with the Court of Appeals in Salem, Oregon within 60 days from the date of this order. Tape recordings of Administrative l 1 Hearings are retained 90 days afler the date of the final order. ‘2 3 14 15 16 l7 l8 19 20 2 I 22 I 23 Page 4 - FINAL ORDER BY DEFAULT JGMth h\GENI-I8962 Department of Justice 1 162 Court sm NE Salem, OR 973014096 (503) 9414520