1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 4 In the Matter of the ) S'I'IPULATION OF FACTS, 5 Teaching License 0f ) ACCEPTANCE OF SURRENDERED LICENSE 6 JOHN WALTER SPRINGER ) AND ORDER REVOKING LICENSE 7 ) 8 9 On or about June 13, 1997, Jon Walter Springer voluntarily surrendered his Oregon Teaching License 1O #240046 prior to the expiration date which is 07-02-2000. Under OAR 584-50-0270, the Commission 1 1 may accept surrendered licenses contingent upon a Stipulation of Facts and Order of Suspension or 1 2 Revocation. 13 14 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 5 1 6 l. Jon Walter Springer holds a Standard Oregon Teaching License #240046 endorsed in elementary 1 7 and valid from September 5, 1996 to July 2, 2000. 18 19 2. Mr. Springer was employed in Beaverton School District as a teacher for 28 years (September 2O 1969 through June 1997). 21 22 3. On or about June 5, 1997, Beaverton School District notified TSPC that Jon Springer had 23 submitted his resignation to the district effective the end of the school year. At the time of his 24 resignation, an investigation for misuse of a computer, printer, and network services for personal 25 purposes was being conducted. 26 27 4. On or about June 13, 1997 Mr. Springer mailed his Oregon Teaching License to the Commission 28 with an explanation that he no longer intended to be employed in education. 29 30 5. Mr. Springer has not admitted wrong doing in the incidents under investigation. He 31 acknowledges that there is evidence in the record to support the allegations under investigation at 32 the time he resigned from Beaverton School District. He has not intent to return to employment 33 in education in the future and, therefore, voluntarily submits his license to the Agency. 34 35 Jon Walter Springer enters into this Stipulation of Facts with knowledge that the Teacher Standards and 36 Practices Commission will accept the surrender of his Oregon Teaching License and revoke the License. 37 This Stipulation is contingent upon approval of the Stipulation and adoption of the Order by the 38 Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If the Commission does not adopt this Order, 39 neither Mr. Springer nor the Commission is bound by these stipulations, and Mr. Springer retains all 4O rights to a hearing on the allegations. 41 1 PAGE l--PROPOSED STIPULATION AND ORDER-JON WALTER SPRINGER 1 IT IS SO STIPULATED: ‘ 2 3 4 ' 7 5 7V. , u / 7/37 5/ 6 J Walter Spri er Date 7 8 7Q i Z [if 9 10 W / f 1 1 David V. Myton, Executiv Director Dat 12 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 13 14 15 ULTIMATE FINDINGS OF FACT l 1 6 5 1 7 Jon Walter Springer resigned his teaching position in Beaverton School District and surrendered his 18 Oregon Teaching License while under investigation for misuse of a district computer, printer and 19 network services for personal purposes. 2O 21 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 22 23 Under OAR 584-50-027, the Commission may accept a surrender of license contingent upon a 24 Stipulation of Facts and Order of Suspension or Revocation when the Commission believes that 25 Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon Educator have been violated. Substantial 26 and unauthorized use of district equipment and resources for personal purposes violates OAR 584-20- 27 040(4) and constitutes gross neglect of duty 28 ORDER 29 30 The Commission accepts the surrendered Oregon Teaching License #240046 endorsed for elementary 31 issued to Jon Walter Springer. valid from September 5,1996 to July 2, 2000, and 32 revokes the license for violation of Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon 33 Educators. 34 35 1”“ 36 Dated this 'Qé day of \ffl/AM" 1998. 37 g 38 TEACHER STAND S AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 39 40 ‘~ ' 41 M 4M 42 By: 43 David V. Myton, Exe utive Director 44 45 DVM/cs 46 47 48 1. ' PAGE 2--PROPOSED STIPULATION AND ORDER-JON WALTER SPRINGER . 1 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 2 3 I hereby certify that I served the foregoing order by mailing a true copy thereof certified by me as such 4 by U.S. Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested to attorney for Jon Walter Springer: 5 6 ELIZABETH MC KANNA 7 BENNETT, HARTMAN, REYNOLDS & WISER 8 851 SW 6TH, SUITE 1600 9 PORTLAND OR 97204-1376 1O 1 1 1 2 74 13 Dated this g Q day of ‘ 1998. 1 4 1 5 1 6 /7 . \ I 1 7 By: - ’ ’ ' , ' 18 C rlene A. Smith ~ 19 Secretary to the Commission 1 I PAGE 3--PROPOSED STIPULATION AND ORDER-JON WALTER SPRINGER