01/29/04 09:27 FAX 503 37-8 6829 GOVT SERVICES’ WV @002/,)04 01/28/JRN.28-2i364i=5 2: 12PM "-i '"° '“"" "‘ ' "_ mess P. 2 1 BEFORE Tl-lE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION - 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 . 4 in m Matter oflha i STIPULATION o'F FACTS. . 5 Teaching License of ) - ORDER OF REPRIMAND ‘ g SHERYL LEE KNOWLTON g AND PROBATION s 0n or about January 29. 2002. the Teacher Standards and Praotioes ' 9 Commission (Commission) test-led a Notice of Opporlunily for Hearing ho Sheryl Lee 10 Knowlton (meimn) in Miloh the Commission‘ propnM lie talna disoipllnary action 11 against her under ORS 342.115 through oas 342.190. ' 12 Afiar review of the matter: alleged. Ms. Knowltnn and the Oorm'nlssbn agree that , 13 their respeeilve lnioresls. together with fl'ie public interest. fife bras! served by a 14 stipulation to certain fade, the imposition ofawritten reprimand and imposition of terms is of probation. This Ol'del' sets forth the fads upon which the parties have agreed and 16 the sanction to be imposed. In entering into this stipulation. Ma, Knowltnn waives the 17 rightto a hearing to contest in: findings affect. conclusion cf law and order seiforth 1 8 beicm. 19 STIPULATION OF FACTS 20 1. The Commission has licensed Ms. Knewllion as an Oregon Edueator 21 continuously sinoe September 20, 1991. She currently holds a Standard Oregon 22 Teaching License with Standard Reading and Basie Language Arts Endorsements valid 23 until January 2, 2006. . 24 2. Ms. Knowlton was employed by Ontario School District BC, Ontario High 25 School. r . r Emsxgruamu OF FACTS. ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION - Knowuron 01/28/04 WED 14 : 14 [TX/R1 N0 7966] fififi%fzsrga 318-212.? , ____, __F°"T SERVICES mos/m wagering“ .—...—---—_~.--—-' 1 N0.e|~40_566.= H3 ' 1 a. enormmiim.mhm|mnmmhwm ~ a inanimaw-mmmdw-Mimwmwm 1 o wmmmw'ummmumummnaaumu . a ‘munumcmoemmmmimunuduruiwlndpwm . ll s hummmpunndmmmmdpammmumflbm i I unis: “ 7 41 mmm-dunmnumdmuimdwmdrhinlmn- lk a mlmfllnreddranl. e 5. msdmibin'ldpdiumhbhhpn-ianmmolpmmd 10 inivnanduerdealrimlheflinmelhetnmoerm. 11 a. mumbwmmmmmdemumdmdmmm ' . 12 anew-nameleimdihnriutridpiiq. 1: mmmnhmmumwimuiupflmalhorderwm i4 Gommlnlefl- flit» Oominiden dnil notadoptthiebrd'mnlliarhhmnwlhflw ‘ 15 “Whnflbomdbymmmmdlnmmmmdlmtl t! hqlfll'flflfiflllllim . ’ 11 rrraeornrluun'loi ii '1' {manual 43181035 __ * l 20 > . -; mun‘ out- ‘; ‘A W72”! 111...’ #02801 __ 2'1 Wufimmmma ‘w’ 25 GWEN" ao mmmmnmmmtsxammwarmmuu . 27 iMWOARWmtui-uiaiwmuwmuarasm genial WON OF FACT!- GMR OFIGPNMNOAIDF’MI!AT\ON—WLTQI I ‘*1/28/04 WED 141i4 [Tl/R‘! N0 19661 fizgégogg 21152;;33153859“ "" ‘GOVT SERVICES mess PAWMMM ' and swords iio be delivered 1n school and 'lio be used by sludenls in a drama. Her aoflon 2 demonstrated poor iudgmerit snd unden'nlned district interests in providing a safe . 3 ieamlng environment. ' 4 _ ORDER ' » 5 The Commission reprimands Ms. Knowiinn and places her on 2-years probation 6 subject to the followin' conditions: 7 . 1. Prior in employing with a dietrlet as teacher, Ms. KnoWllnn shall provide fl 8 mpy of this orderio ine district; 9‘ Mo. Knowiton shell oomply with all Standards for Competent and Ethical 10 Performance under Cloister OAR 584'. Division 020 and adhere ‘to all safety policies of 11 any empioyhg district. 12 VlolIllon oflhe terms of this probation may oonstitule an Independent basis for ‘5 the Commission to impose discipline, up to and including revoeatlon of Ms. Knowhon‘: 14 teaching license subject to Me. Knowiton's r'ghtb a hearing on the issue of whether 15 she violated probation. 16 Dated ‘this ‘2% day of January 2004. 17 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTIGES COMMISSION 1 8 19 Hem’ 20 Victoria Ch aln, Director‘ 21 Approved ‘ form: . 23 24 e Doyle . g: Attorney for Sheryl Lee Knuwlton ‘ moig?;czion oF FACTS. ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION - KNOWLTON i 01/28/04 WED 14:14 [TX/RX N0 7966] 1