. 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter ofthe | Case No. 1 13413 Teaching License of 4 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF PROBATION CHRISTOPHER KEVIN CAMPBELL 5 6 The Teacher Standards and Practices (Commission) issued a Notice of Denial of 7 Teaching License and Opportunity for Hearing on November 4, 2003, to Christopher Kevin 8 Campbell. Mr. Campbell requested a hearing, and his teaching license remained in effect during 9 the pendency of this case. On January 29, 2004, the Commission issued an Amended Notice of 10 Denial of Teaching License. The matter was assigned to an Administrative Law Judge and 1 1 scheduled for hearing on May 27, 2004. '2 After a review of the matters alleged, the Commission and Mr. Campbell have agreed 13 that their respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to 14 certain facts and the issuance of a teaching license subject to a period of probation. 15 In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Campbell waives his right to a hearing and 16 understands that he will be placed on probation for a period of eighteen months from the date of 17 this order. This stipulation and proposed order are contingent on approval by the full 1 18 Commission. If the Commission does not approve this stipulation and order, it is understood that ‘ 1 l9 any waiver of rights by Mrr Campbell is therefore revoked. It is further understood that the 20 statements contained in this stipulation may not be used by either the Commission or Mr. 21 Campbell for any reason if the Commission fails to approve the stipulation and proposed order. 22 ‘3 Page l - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF PROBATION- CHRISTOPHER KEVIN CAMPBELL JGMIrdl\GENJ l 673 . l STIPULATION OF FACTS 2 Mr. Campbell and the Commission stipulate as follows: 3 1, In July 2000, Mr. Campbell was issued a Transitional Teaching License with 4 endorsements in chemisty and biology. 5 2. On July 11, 2001 , Mr. Campbell and the Commission entered into a Stipulation of 6 Facts and Disciplinary Order based on Mr. Campbell having used a classroom computer to ‘ 7 access sexually explicit materials. The Commission suspended his license for ninety days to be 8 followed by a period of probation for two years. As a condition for reinstatement of his license, 9 Mr. Campbell was required to undergo an evaluation by a psychotherapist or medical 10 professional. Mr. Campbell submitted to an evaluation by Psychologist John Cochran in October l l 2001, and Dr. Cochran submitted a written evaluation report to the Commission. ‘2 3. Mr. Campbell’s Transitional Teaching License was reinstated in November 2001, l3 and he was placed on probation for two years with a condition that he comply with all 14 recommendations of Dr. Cochran, including recommendations that he undergo counseling, write 15 a safety/avoidance plan for use of the intemet, take a polygraph examination every six months 16 and attend counseling sessions. 17 4. Mr. Campbell failed to submit the safety/avoidance plan to the Commission, 18 failed to submit to all of the polygraph examinations on the schedule recommended by Dr. 19 Cochran and failed to provide timely evidence that he had submitted to the polygraph 20 examinations. 21 22 ‘3 Page 2 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF PROBATION- CHRISTOPHER KEVIN CAMPBELL JGM:rdl\GENJI673 ‘1 2 67Z(/1,é; s‘ [QL/ /o‘( 3 Christopher Kevin Campbell Date 4 < / Jar/lan/ 2 1.2-” Victoria 1 amberlai , Execu 've Director Date 6 Teacher St ' e . = and Practices Commission 7 CONCLUSION OF LAW 8 Mr, Campbell violated conditions of his probation to the Commission by failing to submit 9 to all required polygraph examinations, failing to provide a copy of his safety/avoidance plan to 10 the Commission and failing to provide timely reports of this polygraph examinations in violation 11 of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(k). ‘2 DISCUSSION AND ORDER 13 Although Mr. Campbell participated in counseling and some other requirements of his 14 probation, he did not submit to all required polygraph examinations or show evidence that he had 15 complied with all requirements of his probation. As a consequence, the Commission will extend 16 the period of probation and require Mr. Campbell to undergo additional polygraph examinations. 17 The Commission grants Mr. Campbell’s application for an Oregon Initial License and 18 places Mr, Campbell on probation to the Commission for a period of eighteen months from the l9 date of this Order subject to the following conditions: 2O l, Mr. Campbell shall submit to at least three polygraph examinations by Robert A. 21 Mosher or another polygraph examiner who is acceptable to the Commission. The examiner 22 shall submit written reports to the Commission at the following intervals: no later than January l, ‘3 2005; no later than July 1, 2005', and no later than January 1, 2006. The questions contained in Page 3 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF PROBATION~ CHRISTOPHER KEVIN CAMPBELL IGMtrdl\GENJ1673 . l the polygraph examinations shall address the issues of Mr. Campbell’s avoidance of 2 pornographic materials and avoidance of inappropriate sexual matters in his discussions with 3 students. 4 2. Mr. Campbell shall provide a copy of this Order and the report of Dr. Cochran to 5 the polygraph examiner. 6 3. Mr. Campbell shall sign and date the “internet safety avoidance plan (8/23/01)” 7 and submit it to the Commission by August 6, 2004. 8 4. Mr. Campbell shall comply with all disciplinary standards under OAR 584 9 Division 020. 10 Violation of the terms of this probation may constitute an independent basis for the 1 l Commission to impose discipline, up to including revocation of Mr. Campbell’s Oregon ‘2 Teaching License, subject to Mr. Campbell’s right to a hearing on the issue of whether he 1 13 violated terms of probation. & 14 IT IS SO ORDERED this Q’ 7 day o , 2004 15 TEACHER STAfifiACTICES COMMISSION 16 Victoria Ch r ' , Executive Director 18 19 20 21 22 ‘3 Page 4 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF PROBATION- CHRISTOPHER KEVIN CAMPBELL JGM:rdl\GENJl673