. l BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 In the Matter of ) the Teaching License of ) STIPULATION, SURRENDER OF 3 JERRY WAYNE JENSON, ) LICENSE AND ORDER OF ) REVOCATION 4 ) 5 In May 1998, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 6 (Commission) received a complaint and commenced an investigation 7 concerning Jerry Wayne Jenson, (Mr. Jenson). Subsequently 8 Mr. Jenson and the Commission agreed to enter a stipulation in 9 which Mr. Jenson surrenders his Oregon teaching license and 10 stipulates to certain matters as set forth below. 11 Mr. Jenson denies that he engaged in any inappropriate 12 activity. However, Mr. Jenson has now retired from the teaching 13 profession and chooses to enter into this stipulation rather than ‘ l4 undergoing the expense and pressure of a contested case hearing. 15 In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Jenson acknowledges that 16 he is waiving his right to a hearing before a panel of the 17 commission. Although Mr. Jenson denies misconduct, he stipulates 18 that there is substantial evidence in the records of the 19 Commission for the Commission to make the findings set forth 20 below. 21 FINDINGS OF FACTS 22 1. In February 1997, Jenson was employed as an elementary 23 teacher in the Three Rivers School District. 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// ' PAGE 1 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF REVOCATION DEPARTMENT OF JUSl'lCE ‘éfiifi°3l§‘5§;§i% (503)318-6003 . 1 2. On about February 11, 1997, Jenson allegedly engaged in 2 inappropriate conduct by allegedly striking a student in his 3 classroom on the head with a plastic case. Pursuant to 4 negotiations between Mr. Jenson and the District Attorney, 5 criminal charges were subsequently dismissed based upon Jenson's 6 intention to retire from teaching and surrender his license. 7 IT SO STIPUwTED: 8 q l 9 iv ."11._ ___ 'MAM Date. 6 50 5/ {Elf f“ ‘on 10 4‘ ' / 1/;/ f 11 by! Date: / 7 David V. Myton 12 Executive Director Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 13 ‘ 14 CONCLUSION OF LAW 15 The above conduct constitutes gross neglect of duty under 16 OAR 584-020-0040(4) (g). 17 ORDER 18 The Commission accepts the surrender of the Oregon teaching l9 license of Jerry Wayne Jenson and further orders that the license 20 be revoked. \f/ - /r t A W 21 DATED this day of 1998. 22 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 23 % \ +h\/“ 24 By: David V. Myton, xecutive Director 25 26 tjh/JGM/JGG122B2 t PAGE 2 — STIPULATION AND ORDER OF REVOCATION .. DEPARTMENTOFJUSHCE 1162 Conn Sucel N.E. Salem. Oregon 97310 (50337843003