H'JG'Eg QB 146? FROM: SMITH- GnmsoN. ET. nL. 523-229-9514 TU=152337B4448 PRGE:@2 l BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 0F THE STATE 01-‘ OREGON . 3 Inthe Matter ofme‘ 4 Teaching License of \ FINDINGS OF FACT AND ORDER 5 WILLIAM D. GRAVES 6 ¢ 0n May 16, 2000, the Teacher Standards and Precticec Commission (CommilliOn) 1 issued mm of Opparmnity for Hearing to William D. Gnvee We, Mr. Grnves a requested e healing through his attorney, Ms. Berben Diamond. The Commission end 9 Mr. Graves have now reviewed the lanes connected with this proceeding and have determined 10 that their mpeofive interest: and the public Mares: are best saved lwy Mr. Graves withdrawing ll his request for a hearing with the understanding the! the Ccmnduien will niakc cumin findings ‘ 12 of fact and will suspend Mr. Graves‘ Oregon Teaching License, follnwed by e period of .' - 13 probation. Mr. Grave: understands that he la waiving his right to a hearing. and that the . - i l4 Commission will emer a suspension ofhis teaching license. He flanker undemnnds thatupon 15 reinmzemeni ofhis license. he will be placed on probation subject to specific conditions. Mr. ' 16 Graves does not admit to the allegations in the noficc. but stipulates and agrees that there ls l7 sufilciem. evidence for the Commlseiou lo make the finding: of he! sci foxth helciw. 18 FINDINGS 0F FACT 19 l. Mr. Graves holds a Standard Oregon Teaching license with an endorsement in 20 Standard Advanced Mathematics valid unfil March 16, 2005. During the 19992000 he was 2 l employed as a mathematics teacher at Riddle High School in the Riddle Schnel District. 22 ll/ I e ' 2: /// ' Page 1 - FINDINGS or PACT G£N58453 Mme-1mm . 2d 14cm =22 BBBZ sz ‘fins aaszv¢s3iiv§'i‘f ":" "'“ol'é Xl-H 55mm 3N [ma pug 1-‘ 1a = was >9lJG—29. 22 14: 5? FRUM:SMITHlGl-‘1HSUN, ET. nL. 523229-2614 TD: 15233754449 PQGB 23 .1 2. Beginning in 1990 and continuing into use 1999-2000 academic yells‘. Mr. Graves ‘ l violated OAR 584-020-0040“) by making inappropriate seinul remarks and mill jokfl to and 3 abour female smdenrs and by violating the personal space of female students 4 3. Beginning in 1990 and confining into the 19990000 academic ymr, Mr. Graves ~ 5 violated OAR 584-020-0040(4)(I) by making inappropriate aerosol rerun-ks and mmoljokes to 5 and about female staff members end by violal'mg the personal space of ferrule mfi members. 7 4. In 1995-96 Mr. Graves violated OAR 584-020-0040“) by discrinnrlotirlg against 8 a studem based on religion by making disparaging remarks about her purported non-Christian 9 belierk. ' ' 10 . . '12 William o. Groves Dale . l ls A} ZWZIIIQ? LHN/ Pl 7”?‘ OD > . ' David V. Myron Date . l4 Executive Director _ _ 15 CONCLUSIONS 01" LAW ’ I ' 16 l. William D. Graves violated OAR 534-020-0040“) by making inappropriate 17 sexual remarks and sexual joke! to Ind about female students and by violating the personal space l8 of female mounts. . 19 2. William D. Graves violated OAR 584-020-0040(4)(l) by roofing inappropriam 20 sexual remarks end sexual jokes to and about female staff members and by violating the personal ll space of female staff members. 12 3. William D. Graves violated OAR 584-0204104000 by diwimlnulna wins! one . 23 or more studeols based on religion Page 2 - Sgsgnos or FACT . 2d “at :ao' méjgz 4an mue'figgmiyfgsfimd 55'1an ENItFEI we 111a : male ~.QLlG-E"3 88 14: '5? FROM: SMITH, GRMSUN: ET. FIL. 523~229—8614 TU! 15833784448 P985184 .. . onnm 2 The Oregon Teaching License of William D. Graves will be suspended for a period ofsix 3 months from the date ofthis order. At the expirflirm of the period of suspension, Mr. Graves’ 4 leaching license shall be reinstated and Mr. Graves placed on probation for a period of two years. 5 During this period of probation, Mr. Graves shall comply with all Standards fol-Ethical and 6 Competent Performance of Oregon Educators under OAR $84, Division 020. Mr. Groves shell 7 also provide to the Commission such information an the Commission requem to verify that he 8 ltes complied with the conditions of probation, including a Mernent fi'om his employing district 9 that he has complied with the Standlrde of Competent and Ethical Pcrfonnance o§ Oregon 10 Educators under can 5:4, Division ozo. Violation 0ftho terms ofhls were” may constitute 11 an independent buis for the Commission to impose discipline up to and including revocation of .2 Mr. Graves’ Teaching License and may subject Mr. Graves to cheering ontlle issue ofwhethcr . 13 he violated his probation. . . _ l. Si‘ t l4 DATED this l day of zooo. 15 TEA STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION ~ 16 '“ V By: ‘l7 David V. Myron. Executive irector 18 Approved as to form: Q 19 ' >14”! f 1,12 [do 20 B Diamond, #85039 Date Of Attorneys for William D. Graves 21 22 on Page 3 - FINDINGS OF FACT GEN§84 53 Depsnmenl of Justice [[61 Com Street "NE Vd NdEI :22 2222 sz ‘fine saszvaa-rvsl-r : ‘UN xea saneao ante-la we T113 = woes