oa/os/zooz 11 t o4 5:32255121 PAGE az/os - Wr'fshgéaoaz “finer-tween s z 110.381 P.1 Eli-mm = AN]; mcflcgs COWSSION _ - _-...-EOF ORGON 3 In the Matter of the Teaching License of 4 \ STIPUIATION AND ORDER 0F SUSPENSION 5 DAVID ANDREW CLAIR 6 ' 1 On My 1s, 2001, the "rm-t smut and Pit-item Commission (Commission) time s time“ ofopporttmity for hearhg to DavidAndfew 0153}. Mt: cmt requested t hearing to 9 wntestthe allegations in the notice, and a hearing was sehedtfled for February 25, 2000. 10 MI. Clair and the Commission have now reviewed the matters alleged and have agreed 11 that their respective interests, together with the public interest, wouhl he served by nay ofa . 12 stipulation and order of suspension of Mr. Claifa teaching license, thilowod by a period of 13 probation. Mr.C1air does not admit that he engaged tnwmadoina 0t violated any standards of l4 professional eonduot. However, Mr. Clair stipulates that there are sufficient facts contained in 15 the files and records ofthe Commission to support the findings offiaot and conclusions oflaw set 16 forth below. 1t entering into this stipulation, Mt. chit eonseuta to the Commission making these l7 findings and oomlusions, and he ondemtands that the Commission will enter an order suspending 18 histeaehinglioeuse. ' - 19 This stipulation and order is au'hjeot to approve-1 by the Commission at its next aoheduled 20 meeting. 1me Commission that not adopt this stipulation and order, neither Ml‘. cmatnttr the 21 Commission shall be bound by any matters contained herein, and Mr. Clair shall xetain his rights 22 to ahearing on the allegations in the notice. ‘ 23 t . Page 1 - STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION — David Andrew Clair I GMztjh\\\DOI-LD-CE-FP2\HOMB\Genm'a1 GomaelhhlhspwimGENAQSGSDOC 03/86/2602 11: l4 5.32256121 PAGE 63/66 mm. eaooz swam JACKSON co so s meet F.2 ' 1 rr IS so ammo; ‘ 2 3 pgmfi AAEQM . 324/2!- 4 Devi Andrew Clair Date V 5 Aged fikflk- . 2W}, 6 David V. Myton . Date 7 , . s FmDINGS OF FACT ' I 9 i. MI. cmt holds nStendard Oregon TemhingLieenSe. Hehasbeenemployedasa 10 middle-school teacher with the Central Point School District since September ll 1976. . ' 12 2. On May 5, 2000, the sehOol district placed Mr. Clair on administrative leeve. 0n 13 about October 2000, the district reassigned Mr. Clair 110 8. position l1 the technical 14 center at thehigh. school. In Iamzary 2002, Mr. Clair and the diltiet entered into 15 anagreementinwhiohMr. Clairagreedtooontinueinazion-eerfified poeititm at 16 . theheehniceleenterofthehighschool. 17 31 On several oeeasiona in 1999 and in2000, Mr. Clair addressed middle-school 18 femole students in an overly familiar and overlyperstmal manner. This conduct 19 caused the smdeum to he uncomfortable and ereemd an intimidating, hostile or 20 omive educational environment. 21 4. Onvarious occasions in 1999 and 2000, Mr. Clair touched the shouldeli, face or 22 hands of female middle-school students in a manner that was offensive to the ' 23 ' Pogo 2 - srrpmtton AND ORDER or SUSPENSION - David Andrew 01m JGMnih\\\DOI-LD-CB-F1>2\HOME\Genm1 cemetemmpwimomesaosnoc i l - i ' ‘B3/lE/2Bfl2 11:1a4 5632256121 PAGE 54/25 1 me. shame 9:15pm rocKsON co so s 110.381 F'.3 i ' l students and created an infimidating, hostile or offensive eduoaiional 2 envh-onmeni- 3 . 4 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 5 The conduct described inpmgrsphs three and four oo'nstim'nes gross neglect of s dutyinviolotion of OAR seem-comm), - . 1 l 8 ORDER 9 The Oregon Teaching License ofDavid Andrew Gish‘ is suspended for aperiod of 10 > 60dsys. Upohmcphaflonofflteperiflofmspensiomm.Chk’steeehingfioenseshsll 11 he reinstated upon the following conditions: . 12 1. M.Clsirshallsubmitmapp1ioationfoneinstmmnennmderOAR584- 15 050-0015. ' 14 2. Mr. Clsirshall, ethis ownarpense,obtscinanevs1usfinnfiomanevalu£lnr 15 t who is acceptable to the Commission. The evaluator shall provide s 16 - writtenre'pori to the Connniesion. The repm't shalleontaint l7 st A statement flwt in the professional opinion ofthe evaluator, Mr. 18 Clairisfittowofirwifluhildrenandhighschooiandmiddls- 19 school students and there is a high probability that in the future MI. 20 Clair-will not make suggesfive or inappropriate comments to 21 students and will not have inmropriste physical contact with 2.2 students; sud . 23 ' mes - smm'nosme osnse or SUSPENSION-David Andrew Clair J GMajh\\\DOJ-1.D-c5m2\aoxvm\msi Counsclhzlilmp'wipKiENABBGS mo ayes/2002 111m 52132255121 PAGE 85/85 _ mR. 6.2oez 9:25PM - JRCKSON co so e [40.381 FA ' l. ‘ b. Alist ofthe processes and techniques used inthe evaluation, fior 2 ' example testing, interviews, etc. and alistofthe materialsusedin 3 the evaluation; and 4- c. An utplsnstion lior the basis of the evsluatofl findings; and. S it ‘ The evaluator‘s recommendation whether Mr. Clair should 6 participate in continuing counseling or treatment 7 3. Mr. Clrdsr shallptovide acopylofthis order mdecopy ofthe 8 Commission’s inVesfigation report to the evaluator and shell cooperate in 9 the ewlualion that may inchtde, testing, interviews and any other activitiet 10 the evaluator considers necessary to complete the evaluation 11 4. The Commission shell consider the evaluation report to he confidenfifll ' 12 mdcontainingpereflnal infomafiomthedisclosureofwhioh would. 13 . ' constitute an mressomble invasion ofprivsey. 4 14 5. Upon reinstatement of his teaching license, Mr. Clair shall 'oe placed on 15 probation to the Commission fir: apex-incl oftwo years, subject to the 16 following conditions: 17 a. Mr.Clsirahafleomplywithsllstandsrdsfcrcompetentendethicsl ts ' petemmeeunoeomsm Division 02mm . 19 b. Mr. Clair shall participate in any counseling endtreatment ss 20 memmended by the evaluator; and 21 c. Mr. Clair shall provide consent flom his ‘cement provider to 22 contact the Commission or to respond to Commission inquiries in 23 I ' Page 4 - STIP'ULATION AND ORDER 0F SUSPENSION - David Andrew Clair JGManmm-mmsrzsmmM counsemmpwimosmeassnoc 'B3/BS/28l2 11:.4 5832265121 PAGE 65/65 rm. 6.2222 9=|7m :ncxson co so s "0.361 as ’ 1 order to verify Mr. Claire participation and cooperafiOn with flte 2 evaluaxofs recommendations. ' 3 6. Violsxion of my oftho conditions ofprohstion may constitute m ~ 4 - independent basil for the Commission to impose discipline, up to and 5 including revocation of Mr. Claim Oregon Teaching License, subject to 6 his right to a hearing on the issue cfwhether he violated pmhstion. 7 a rr IS so ORDERED the it), of / “\*d\\ ,2002. ' 9 10 TEACHER STANDARDS LAND PRACTICES COMMISSION 1 1 . 12 i By: I _ ' ‘ éavid V. Mytowvi Director 15 Y 14 v 1 5 l6 17 18 ' 19 20 21 ,_ . 22 25 ’ Page 5 . STIPILATION AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION F- David Andrew Clair IGMcjhmor-m-cnmmomom omewwwipmmwacsnoc