- PWFWEW ' 11 F 1 a seas .__] 2 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES comrssifii'l OTGON 3 In the Matter of the ) Teaching License of ) STIPULATION, SURRENDER OF 4 DORIS ELIZABETH MYERS ) LICENSE AND ORDER 5 ) 6 On September 25, 1997, the Teacher Standards and Practices 7 Commission (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity for hearing 8 to Doris Elizabeth Myers. Thereafter Ms. Myers requested a hearing 9 through her attorney, Margaret S. Olney. The Commission. and 10 Ms. Myers have now reviewed the issues connected with this 11 proceeding and have determined that their respective interest and 12 the public interest is best served by a stipulation to certain 13 facts and a surrender of Ms. Myers’ Oregon teaching license. 14 Ms. Myers understands in entering this stipulation that the ’ 15 Commission will accept her surrender of her teaching license and 16 will revoke her teaching license. i l7 STIPULATED FACTS 18 Ms. Myers and the Commission stipulate as follows: 19 l. Ms. Myers holds a standard Oregon teaching license with 2O an endorsement in Elementary Education and Handicapped 21 Leaners. 22 2. Ms. Myers was employed as a teacher of special education 23 Y by the Springfield School District from January 8, 1986 24 to January 23, 19996. 25 /// ' 26 /// 7' PAGE 1 -STIPULATION, SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER . 1 3. During the 1995-96 school year, Ms. Myers taught at 2 Elizabeth Page Elementary School in a classroom for 3 children diagnosed as seriously emotionally disturbed. 4 4. In November 1995 the school principal received a 5 complaint from a classroom aide concerning Ms. Myers’ 6 teaching methods, disciplinary methods and interactions 7 with staff in her classroom. As a result the district 8 conducted an investigation and on January 22, 1996, the 9 district gave notice to Ms. Myers of the district's 10 intent to dismiss her from her position as a teacher in 11 the district. 12 5. On January 23, 1996, Ms. Myers entered into a negotiated 13 agreement with the district that included her resignation ' 14 effective January 30, 1996, and her entitlement to early 15 retirement . 16 6. Ms. Myers has denied and continues to deny that she l7 engaged in conduct that would warrant disciplinary action 18 by the Commission. However, Ms. Myers has now retired 19 from the teaching profession and is actively engaged in 20 other employment. Because she does not intend to return 21 to teaching and because she does not believe it would be 22 beneficial to her or to the staff, children and parents 23 of the school to go through a contested case hearing, Ms. 24 Myers agrees to surrender her Oregon teaching license and 25 to enter into this stipulation and order. In entering 26 this stipulation, Ms. Myers understands that the 'PAGE 2 ~STIPULATION, SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER 1 Commission will accept the surrender of her teaching . 2 license and will enter an order revoking that license. 3 7. Although Ms. Myers does not admit she violated Commission 4 standards, she stipulates that there is substantial 5 evidence in the record for the Commission to make the 6 findings of fact contained in this order. 7 8. The Commission finds that in November and December 1995 8 Ms. Myers used inappropriate disciplinary methods towards 9 one or more children in her classroom that were not 10 authorized by the children's behavior plans or their 11 individualized education programs. 12 13 ‘fizz; 121% zfi g 4 Dor s Elizabeth yers Date _ ' l4 . 15 égmfiéégjh'; d’ N12,)? 16 d V. M on Date Executive Director 17 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 18 /// l9 /// , 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 'PAGE 3 ~STIPULATION, SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER ' l CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER 2 Based on the foregoing, the Commission finds that Ms. Myers 3 violated OAR 584-20-0040(4). The Commission accepts the surrender 4 of the teaching license of Doris Elizabeth Myers and orders that 5 Ms. Myers's Oregon teaching license shall be revoked on the 6 effective date of this order. . Pk flan/(vii 7 DATED this (g day of February 1998. 8 é i ' % . "> 9 ' “MM/c f PM "ix/T’ “j//f/fd’ David V. Myton Date 10 Executive Director Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 11 APPROVED TO AS FORM: 12 l3 1419112 14 Margaret . Olney ate g Of Attor ys for 15 Doris Elizabeth Myers 16 l7 18 19 2O 21 22 23 ' 24 25 26 tjh/JGM/JGG11595 'PAGE 4 —STIPULATION, SURRENDER OF LICENSE AND ORDER