.I BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 4 In the Matter of the ) DEFAULT ORDER OF DENIAL 5 Licensure of ) OF REINSTATEMENT OF 6 STEPHEN CONLEE ) SUSPENDED TEACHING LICENSE 7 On December 9, 2005, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 8 (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to Stephen Conlee (Conlee) in 9 which the Commission denied Iicensure based on ORS 342.143(2), and the 10 administrative rules implementing that legal authority under OAR Chapter 584 Division 11 020 and 050. The Notice was sent via U.S. First Class Mail and U.S. Certified Mail 12 Receipt 7005 0390 0005 5794 8934 to the address Mr. Conlee provided to the l3 Commission. The certified mail receipt was signed and dated by Diane Conlee on ‘ December tO, 2005, and returned to the Commission. The Notice of Opportunity of s Hearing, dated December 9, 2005, and signed by Victoria Chamberlain, Executive 16 Director, stated: 17 "You, Stephen Conlee, are entitled to a hearing on the proposed action of 18 the Commission. If you want a hearing, you must file a written request for 19 a hearing with the Commission within 21 days of the date of this notice. 20 Attached tothis notice is a copy of the procedures, right of representation 21 and other rights of parties relating to the conduct of a hearing as required 22 under ORS 183.413(2)." 23 24 Mr. Conlee did not request a hearing. The Commission, therefore, finds 25 Mr. Conlee to be in default and enters the following findings of fact, conclusions 26 of law and order, based on the files and records of the Commission concerning 27 this matter. 28 /// ‘ /// PAGE 1 - DEFAULT ORDER OF DENIAL REINSTATEMENT OF SUSPENDED TEACHING LICENSE - coNLEE 1 FINDINGS 0F FACT Q 1. On December 15, 2000, the Commission adopted a Stipulation, Surrender of 3 License and Amended Order of Suspension requiring Mr. Conlee to “...comply with any 4 treatment or counseling as recommended...” - 5 2. On March 25, 2004, Mr. Conlee applied for reinstatement of a suspended 6 license. 7 3. Mr. Conlee failed to provide evidence of the reinstatement requirement set 8 forth on page 39 of Dr. Shannon's evaluation, “Mr. Conlee should complete a workshop, 9 class or seminar on sexual harassment/appropriate boundaries." 10 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 11 Lack of fitness to serve as an educator is a basis for denial of Iicensure pursuant 2 to OAR 584-050-0006(5) and ORS 342.143(2) constitute grounds for denial of Iicensure Q as per OAR 584-020-00040(4). The Commission’s authority to impose discipline in this 14 matter is based upon ORS 342.175. 15 ORDER 16 The Commission hereby denies reinstatement of Iicensure to Stephen Conlee. 17 IT IS SO ORDERED this flday of January, 2006. 18 TEACHER S ANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 19 25%);2 éé- 20 By. 21 ictoria Chamber ain, Executive Director i: NOTICE OF APPEAL OR RIGHTS i: YOU ARE ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW 26 MAY BE OBTAINED BY FILING A PETITION FOR REVIEW WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM 27 THE SERVICE OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW IS PURSUANT TO THE . PROVISIONS OF ORS 183.482 TO THE OREGON COURT OF APPEALS. PAGE 2 - DEFAULT ORDER OF DENIAL REINSTATEMENT OF SUSPENDED TEACHING LICENSE - CONLEE .I CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 3 l hereby certify that I served the foregoing order by mailing a true copy thereof certified 4 by me as such by regular U.S, mail and by U.S. Certified Mail—Return Receipt 5 Requested, addressed to: 6 7 Stephen Conlee 8 84241 Clear Lake Road 9 Florence, Oregon 97439 10 .'17[W 11 Dated this / day of February, 2006. 12 13 . l4 / M5 15 By: . . /1/ 16 Melody ansfcutive Assistant . PAGE 1 — CERTIFICATE OF MAILING - CONLEE