I‘ ‘ ~_ 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION ' 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 4 In the Matter of the I 5 Teaching License of | DEFAULT ORDER 6 JO ANN MICHELLE ALLEN | SUSPENDING LICENSE 7 | 8 9 On or about February 26, 2001, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission received a 10 complaint from North Clackarnas School District, indicating that JoAnnMichelle Allen had 11 violated her contract by failing to provide 6O days’ written notice prior to resignation. Under 12 OAR 584-050-0020, the Commission informs the educator of intent to suspend the license on the 13 basis of such complaints. The Executive Director took action to notify JoAnn Michelle Allen of 14 intent to suspend her license, and to inform her of her opportunity for hearing by letter dated 15 March 2, 2001. The letter was sent by Certified Mail—Return Receipt Requested #7000 0600 16 0023 8497 0248. The receipt was signed by JoAnn Michelle Allen on March 7, 2001, and 17 returned to TSPC on March 8, 2001. JoAnn Michelle Allen did not request a hearing. 18 19 FINDINGS OF FACT 20 21 1. On or about July 21, 2000, JoAnn Michelle Allen signed a contract with the North 22 Clackamas School District for the 2000-2001 School year. 23 ">24 2. On December 15, 2000, J oAnn Michelle Allen submitted a letter of resignation and gave 25 the North Clackamas School District two-week notice of intent to resign from her 26 position as Distance Learning Instructor for the Health Services Program. Allen 27 submitted her resignation on the last day of school prior to winter break stating she would 28 be employed elsewhere on January 2, 2001. 29 30 3. Meeting in regular session on February 15, 2001, the North Clackamas School District 31 Board of Directors took action to seek a suspension of J oAnn Michelle Allen’s Teaching 32 license for the balance of the 2000-01 school year. 33 34 4. The North Clackamas School District informed TSPC of this action in a letter dated 35 February 22, 2001 , requesting the suspension of JoAnn Michelle Allen’s Teaching g 36 license. 37 38 39 ULTIMATE FINDINGS OF FACT 40 41 JoAnn Michelle Allen signed an employment contract with the North Clackamas School District 42 on or about July 21, 2000. J oAnn Michelle Allen submitted a letter of resignation, dated 43 December 15, 2000, and effective January 2, 2001. 44 PAGE l—DEFAULT ORDER—JOANN MICHELLE ALLEN I . 1 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW _ 2 3 ORS 342.553 requires the suspension of a license for the balance of the school year for failure to 4 provide 60 days’ notice prior to resignation. If the charge of the contract violation is proven, and 5 justification for the contract violation is not satisfactory, the Commission is required to suspend 6 the license for the remainder of the school year. The Commission’s decision is final. 7 8 ORDER 9 10 The Commission suspends the Oregon Teaching License #301049, issued to J oAnn Michelle 11 Allen, DOB 1 1-15-67, SSN 542-08—O487, for violation of contract by resignation without 12 providing 60 days’ written notice. l3 ,fl/ 14 Dated this /[ day of May 2001. 15 16 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 17 18 l9 _ 20 By kg 12m 21 David V. Myton, Exec tive Director ' 22 ‘a DVM/mgh 24 25 ACTION OF THE COMMISSION TO SUSPEND LICENSES FOR CONTRACT 26 VIOLATIONS UNDER ORS 342.553 ARE FINAL AND MAY NOT BE APPEALED. 27 28 29 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 30 31 I hereby certify that I served the foregoing order by mailing a true copy thereof certified by me 32 as such by regular U.S. First Class Mail and by U.S. Certified Mail—Return Receipt Requested 33 to: 34 35 J oAnn Michelle Allen 36 15152 SE John Ashley Drive 37 Clackarnas OR 97015 38 . 39 284V,“ 40 Dated this Z day of May 2001. , 41 42 » 43 r ‘ ‘ " / WJ 44 By: ’ ‘I ‘v l , 45 lody H- v v ‘46 ‘ @ ive ‘ stant to the Commission PAGE ZiDEFAULT ORDER-JOANN MICHELLE ALLEN