66/26/06 10:35 FAX so: srs sszs‘ ouv'r SERVICES @003 Q - ' BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSlON OF THE STATE OF OREGON in the Matter of the Licensure of ) STlPULATlON OF FACTS AND ) FlNAL ORDER OF SUSPENSION OF CHRISTINE NUFFER ) RIGHT TO APPLY On or about March 15, 2001. the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Y (Commission) received information that Christine Nuffer (Nutter), the director of Molelia ‘ River School Districts alternative middle and high school, was placed on paid administrative ‘ leave pending the outcome of an investigation. On June 11, 2001, Molaiia River School District issued a notice of dismissal. Ms. Nuffor subsequently appealed the dismissal. On January 28, 2002, the Fair Dismissal Appeals Board (FDAB) issued a final order affirming the dismissal. . 0n December 2, 2005, the Commission issued e Notice of Opportunity for Hearing ' to Ms. Nuffer in which the Commission charged her with misconduct under ORS 342.175. Ms. Nutter timely requested a hearing in the matter. After review of the matters elieged, Ms. Nuffer and the Commission agree that their respective interests, together with the public interest. are best sewed by a stipulation to certain findings and conclusions and a six-month (Month) suspension other right to apply for a teaching license effective August 4, 2006. This document sets forth the findings upon which the parties have agreed and the stipulated sanction to be imposed‘ Ms. Nutter stipulates that there is sufficient evidence in the Commission's files and records to support the findings of fact, conclusions of iaw, and order set forth below. By signing below, Ms. Nuffer acknowledges, understands, stipulates, and agrees to the foilowing: (i) she has been fuily advised of her rights to notice end a hearing to contest the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order set forth below, and fully and finally ‘age 1 — STIF'ULATION OF FACTS AND FINAL ORDER OF SUSPENSION OF RIGHT TO APPLY (Christine Nuffer) ' waives all such rights and any rights to appeal or otherwise challenge this Stipulation of Facts and Final Order of Suspension of Right to Apply (Stipulation and Final Order); (ii) this Stipulation and Final Order is a public document and must be disclosed to the public upon request; (iii) this Stipulation and Final Order is contingent upon and subject to approval and adoption by the Commission. If the Commission does not approve and adopt this Stipulation and Final Order, then neither Ms. Nuffer nor the Commission are bound by the terms herein; (iv) she has fully read this Stipulation and Final Order, and understands it completely; (v) she voluntarily, without any force or duress, enters into this Stipulation and Final Order and consents to issuance and entry of the Stipulated Final Order below; (vi) she states that no promises or representation has been made to induce her to sign this Stipulation and Final Order; and (vii) she has consulted with an attorney regarding this Stipulation and Final Order and has been fully advised with regard to her rights thereto, or . waives any and all rights to consult with an attorney prior to entering into this Stipulation and Final Order and issuance and entry of the Stipulated Final Order below. STIPULATION OF FACTS 1. The Commission has licensed Christine Nuffer since April 4, 1997. Ms. Nuffer‘s Basic Personnel Service License with a Standard Counselor endorsement issued by the Commission from February 17, 1999, expired on February 17, 2002. 2. Ms. Nuffer was employed by Molalla School District, Molalla Alternative Options School (MAPS) from August 25, 1992 to June 11, 2001. 3. During the 2000-2001 school year, Ms. Nuffer improperly reported to the Oregon Department of Education and to the Molalla River School District that students were enrolled in the Molalla Alternative Programs School (MAPS) although those students were not attending MAPS. O Page 2 — STIPULATION OF FACTS AND FINAL ORDER OF SUSPENSION OF RIGHT TO APPLY (Christine Nuffer) ' 4. At a hearing of the Fair Dismissal Appeals Board (FDAB), Ms. Nuffer gave knowing false testimony that she was not aware of the attendance register book that was maintained by MAPS school secretary and that she had not had discussions about the ‘attendance register book with her secretary. 5. Under Ms. Nuffer‘s direction, home schooled students at MAPS were improperly reported to Oregon Department of Education as receiving regular services when those students did not meet the attendance requirements for reporting. 6. While sewing as an administrator at Mollala River School District, Ms. Nuffer misled district administrators to believe that MAPS was at student capacity when in fact many of the students reported as attending were not receiving services at the school. 7. During the 2000-2001 school year, Ms. Nuffer failed to properly manage a grant from the Oregon Department of Education while serving as an administrator at Molalla . River School District. 8. During the 2000-2001 school year, as a classroom teacher for MAPS, Ms. Nuffer failed to keep accurate and complete records of student academic process and completion of course requirements. IT IS SO STIPULATED AND AGREED TO: /& ‘ - Z 2 an,“ a? .2006 Christine Nuffer Date W 6%méwa 770 ,0é Victoria Chamberlain, Executive Director Date Teacher Standards and Practices Commission O Page 3 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND FINAL ORDER OF SUSPENSION OF RIGHT TO APPLY (Christine Nuffer) . CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Ms. Nuffer's conduct constitutes gross neglect of duty in violation of OAR 485-020- 0040(4)(c), OAR 584-020-0040(4)(o) as that rule incorporates OAR 584-020-0035(2)(b) and OAR 584-020-0040(4)(c), and OAR 584-020-0040(4)(n) as that rule incorporates OAR 584- 020-0010(5), OAR 584-020-0025(3)(a), OAR 584-020-0020(2)(b), OAR 584-020-0025(1), and OAR 584-020-0025(2)(c) . The Commission has the authority to impose discipline in this matter under ORS 342.120 through 342.430 and OAR Chapter 584. STIPULATED FINAL ORDER The Commission adopts and incorporates herein the above findings of facts and conclusions of law, and based thereon, hereby ORDERS that Christine Nuffer's right to apply for licensure is suspended for a period of six (6) months effective and beginning August 4, 2006. . Issued and dated this i day of August, 2006. TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION STATE OF OREGON By g m1; M M Victoria Chamber In, Executive Director Approved as to form: WiI lam R. Goode, 84049 Attorney for Christ‘ e Nuffer O Page 4 — STIPULATION OF FACTS AND FINAL ORDER OF SUSPENSION OF RIGHT TO APPLY (Christine Nuffer)