p 1 BEFORE THE TEACHERS AND STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION . 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the Teaching License of STIPULATION OF FACTS 4 AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION DOUGLAS EUGENE WISELY 5 6 0n or about January 29, 1999, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 7 (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity for hearing to Douglas Eugene Wisely (Wisely) in , 8 which the Commission proposed to suspend or revoke his Oregon Teaching License or to impose 9 other discipline under ORS 342.177. 10 The Commission and Wisely have now reviewed the matters alleged and have agreed to 11 the following stipulation. In entering this stipulation Wisely waives his right to a hearing. This 12 agreement sets forth the facts Wisely will not contest, including the Commission’s Order of a l3 suspension of Wisely’s teaching license until April 28, 2000. . l4 STIPULATION OF FACTS 15 1. Wisely holds a Standard Teaching License endorsed for music and valid to ' l6 August 23, 2001. , l7 2. Wisely was employed as a teacher at Battle Ground School District in 18 Washington from approximately September 1992 to August 1993. l9 3. On May 27, 1993, the Superintendent of Battle Ground School District, in 20 accordance with WAC 180-86-110, filed a letter with the Office of Professional Practices (Office 21 of the Superintendent of Public Instruction), alleging an act of unprofessional conduct. 22 /// 23 /// , , O Page 1 - STIPULATION 0F FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION GMCth h\G‘.\TIH\TAPW1P\GEN234 12.DOC Depmmenr of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem, 0R 97310 (503) 3786003 u * P . 1 Wisely enters into this Stipulation of Facts with knowledge that the Teacher Standards 2 and Practices Commission will suspend his Oregon Standard Teaching License until April 28, 3 2000, which coincides with the suspension dates established by the Washington Office of 4 Professional Practices. This Stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order 5 by the Commission. If the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Wisely nor the 6 Commission are bound by these stipulations and Wisely retains all rights to a hearing on the 7 allegations 8 1T IS SO STIPULATED: 9 10 Q g 25 (as Do las Eugene 1 ily Date 1 1 , 12 JP“ ML . David V. Myton, Exec, tive Director Date 13 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission l4 CONCLUSION OF LAW 15 On August 1, 1995, Wisely applied for renewal of his Oregon Teaching License and 16 answered “no” to all character questions. He should have answered “yes” to questions one, two 17 and three as a result of his separation from Battle Ground School District. On the form Wisely 18 also failed to include reference to the Battle Ground School District employment in 1992-93. 19 This information was pertinent to his eligibility for renewal of his teaching license. Wisely’s 20 false statements regarding his employment history and separation from employment were a 21 violation of ORS 342.175(1)(e) and OAR 584-020-0040(4)(c). 22 /// 23 /// Page 3 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION GMC:tjh\G:\TJH\TAPWlP\GEN23412.DOC Department of Justi ce 1162 Coun Street NE Salem, OR 97310 (503) 3786003 1‘ . - r in ‘ 1 ORDER 2 The Commission adopts the above Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law and 3 suspends the Oregon Teaching License of Wisely until April 28, 2000, commencing with the 4 adoption of this Order, pursuant to ORS 342.177(3)(b). 5 Wisely shall comply with all Commission requirements including but not limited to those 6 articulated in OAR 584 Chapter 020 — the standards for competent and ethical performance by 7 Oregon educators. 8 Wisely shall fulfill all requirements of the Washington State Office of Professional 9 Practices for relicensure in order to be eligible for an Oregon license. 10 DATED this ( Z day of k 61$ QEQ 1999. 11 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION o ‘2 WMpri : 13 By: David V. Myton, Exec tive Director l4 15 Approved as to Form: 16 ____..__> / \_-.- 7! 5’ f Q Q 17 Timothy C. Gerking, OSB #79234 Date Attorney for Wisely 1x / 7 19 ‘c 41L (dd <9"/0’?1 Gary C. Cor y, OSB #78118 Date 20 Attorney for TSPC 21 22 23 Page 4 - STIPULATION OF FACTS AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION GMC1tj h\G:\TJl-I\TAPW[P\GEN234 12.DOC Department of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem. OR 97310 (503) 3786003