. l STATE OF OREGON 2 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 3 In the Matter of the ) Administrative License of ) ORDER OF REVOCATION 4 WAYNE PRESTON HILL ) 5 On September 25, 1997, the Teacher Standards and Practices 6 Commission (Commission) issued a Notice of Opportunity for 7 Hearing proposing to revoke the Administrative License of Wayne 8 Preston Hill (Mr. Hill) or otherwise impose discipline pursuant 9 to ORS 342.177. ON October 1, 1997, Mr. Hill requested a hearing 10 through his attorney, James Brown. On April 27, 1998, Mr. Brown 11 informed the Commission that Mr. Hill has elected not to contest 12 the allegations in the Notice of Opportunity for Hearing and has ‘13 withdrawn his hearing request. 14 Mr. Hill has informed the Commission that he does not agree '15 with the charges in the Notice and does not believe these charges 16 would be sufficient to justify revocation of his license. 17 However, Mr. Hill has now retired from the teaching profession 18 and elects not to undergo or to require others to undergo the 19 expense and effort necessitated by a hearing before the 20 Commission. In withdrawing his hearing request, Mr. Hill waives 21 his right to a hearing and acknowledges that the Commission will 22 enter a default order revoking his administrative license. The 23 Commission finds Mr. Hill to be in default and enters the 24 following order based on the files and records of the Commission. 25 /// 26 /// 'EAGE 1 - ORDER OF REVOCATION DEPARTMENTOFJUSHCE 1162 Cmm Sm N05, Salem‘ Oregon 91310 (503)318-6003 ‘ l FINDINGS OF FACT 2 l. Mr. Hill holds an Oregon Administrative License and has 3 been a professional educator for over 30 years. 4 2. Mr. Hill was employed as a high school principal at 5 Thurston High School in the Springfield School District from 1986 6 until January 1997, when he was terminated from his position with 7 the District. 8 3. In September 1994, Mr. Hill learned that Fred Mondue, an 9 adult volunteer coach, had become sexually involved with a minor 10 female high school student on the Thurston volleyball team, and 11 that the student had become pregnant as a result of the sexual 12 relationship. Mr. Hill did not make a child abuse report to the .13 Oregon Children's Services Division (now known as the State 14 Office of Services to Children and Families) as required under '15 ORS 419B.010. Mr. Hill also did not take sufficient action to 16 investigate the matter or to insure that Mr. Mondue did not 17 continue to have contact with the volleyball team or with girls l8 who were members of the volleyball team. In fact, Mr. Mondue 19 continued to come to the school and attend team practices. 20 4. During the 1994-95 school year, Mr. Hill received 21 information that Jason Jones, an adult volunteer assistant 22 wrestling coach, had invited a female student into his apartment 23 and had kissed her. Mr. Hill failed to take necessary action to 24 investigate this allegation or to direct other school district 25 officials to investigate. Mr. Hill also permitted Mr. Jones to 26 continue working with the wrestling team despite this allegation 'AGE 2 — ORDER OF REVOCATION DEPARTMENTons-ncn 1162 c0011 5m N15. Salem, Oregon 91:10 (sous-mama . 1 and other allegations he was involved with "mat girls" for the 2 wrestling team. Mr. Hill also failed to make a report of 3 suspected abuse under ORS 419B.OlO, and he failed to report the 4 allegation to the District Superintendent or Hill's immediate 5 supervisor. Hill's failure to investigate or report the 6 allegations may have allowed subsequent instances of 7 inappropriate sexual behavior to occur. 8 5. In November 1995, Mr. Hill received a report from the 9 Thurston Athletic Director that Rick Miller, an assistant 10 volleyball coach, was possibly sexually involved with a female 11 student on the volleyball team. Mr. Hill failed to conduct an 12 investigation or to direct other school officials to conduct an .13 investigation of this allegation. Mr. Hill also failed to make a 14 report of suspected child abuse under ORS 4193.010. Subsequent .15 police investigations of the matter indicated that the assistant i 16 coach had been engaged in sexual intercourse with the female 17 student. 18 6. In October 1995, a student reported that Warren Weiseth, 19 the volleyball coach, had made inappropriate comments of a sexual 20 nature towards her. Mr. Hill did not take necessary and 21 appropriate action to investigate these allegations or direct 22 other District officials to investigate the allegations. 23 7. In September 1996, Mr. Hill received a report from 24 several sources that Mr. Weiseth had engage in sexual harassment 25 of players on the volleyball team and had engaged in other 26 inappropriate behavior. Mr. Hill did not investigate these ‘PAGE 3 ~ ORDER OF REVOCATION DEPARUMENTOFJUSHCE 1102 Court sm ma. Silem, Oregon 91310 (503)378-6003 . 1 allegations or direct other persons in the school to conduct an 2 investigation. 3 8. Although Mr. Hill directed Mr. Weiseth not to engage in 4 inappropriate sexual behavior towards female students, he did not 5 make note of the inappropriate behavior in Mr. Weiseth's 6 evaluation or take other more forceful action to prevent 7 reoccurrence of the conduct. \ 8 CONCLUSION OF LAW 9 Mr. Hill's conduct as described above constitutes gross 10 neglect of duty in violation of OAR 584-20-040. 11 DECISION 12 As principal of the Thurston High School, Mr. Hill had a .13 professional responsibility to insure that students were 14 protected from sexual harassment and were not subjected to .15 inappropriate sexual conduct from staff members and adult 16 volunteers. Mr. Hill failed to direct his subordinates to 17 investigate allegations of sexual misconduct, and by his example 18 he discouraged them from doing so. p l9 ORDER 20 The Commission revokes the Administrative License of Wayne 21 Preston Hill. / 4h 22 DATED this Y day of May 1998. 23 QM MAWIM 24 David V. Myton Executive Director 25 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 26 NOTICE: You are entitled to judicial review of this order. ‘AGE 4 — ORDER OF REVOCATION nzrnnmm 011 msnca ‘53212833215 (5033124003 . 1 Judicial review may be obtained by filing a petition for review 2 within 60 days from the service of this order. Judicial review 3 is pursuant to the provisions of ORS 183.482 to the Oregon Court 4 of Appeals. 5 6 7 8 9 . lO 11 12 .13 14 . .15 16 l7 l8 l9 20 21 ‘ 22 23 24 25 26 JGszgmzdmpzras/JGGllDSS ‘PAGE 5 - ORDER OF REVOCATION DEPARTMENTOFJUSI'ICE ‘1111:2311:- (503)37&0003