'1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the ) 4 Licensure of ) DEFAULT ORDER OF 5 TERRI ELIZABETH McCRACKEN ) LICENSE REVOCATION g 8 On December 19, 2002, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission issued a 9 Notice of Opportunity for Hearing to Terri Elizabeth McCracken, in which the Commission 10 proposed to revoke the teaching license of Terri Elizabeth McCracken or otherwise impose 11 discipline under ORS 342.177. The Notice was sent via U.S. First Class Mail and U.S. 12 Certified Mail Receipt #7001 0320 0005 0740 3617 to the address for Ms. McCracken 13 obtained by the Commission. The certified mail receipt was received by Courtney K. Rayburn 14 on January 7, 2003, and returned to the Commission on January 8, 2003. Terri Elizabeth 15 McCracken did not request a hearing. ' The Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, signed by Victoria Chamberlain, Executive 17 Director, stated: 18 If a request for hearing is not received within this 21-day period, your right to 19 hearing shall be considered waived unless your failure to request a hearing was 20 beyond your reasonable control. If you do not request a hearing or if you fail to 21 appear at a hearing, the Commission will uphold the denial of your application for 22 an Oregon teaching license. 5131 Based on the foregoing, the Commission finds Terri Elizabeth McCracken in default and 25 such default is hereby entered. Based on the records and files of the Commission, the 26 Commission enters the following findings of fact, conclusions of law and order. 27 FINDINGS 0F FACT 28 1. Terri Elizabeth McCracken has been licensed by the Commission since August 8, 29 1996. On September 1, 2000, the Commission issued a Basic Teaching License to Terri 30 Elizabeth McCracken valid until July 20, 2003. O PAGE 1 — DEFAULT ORDER OF LICENSE REVOCATION — McCRACKEN .1 2. Terri Elizabeth McCracken was employed by Bethel School District as a teacher 2 beginning August 28, 2000, until resignation effective June 12, 2002. 3 3. On December 5, 2002, Terri Elizabeth McCracken was convicted of Delivery of 4 Marijuana to a Minor, ORS 475.995, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. 5 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 6 The crime of Delivery of Marijuana to a Minor, ORS 475.995, is listed in ORS 7 342.143(3). Accordingly, the Commission is required to revoke the Oregon Basic Teaching 8 License issued to Terri Elizabeth McCracken pursuant to ORS 342.175(2). 9 ORDER 10 The Commission hereby revokes the Oregon Basic Teaching License issued to Terri 11 Elizabeth McCracken. 74y 12 IT IS SO ORDERED this day of March 2003. ‘ TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 4 . 15 W 16 ictoria Cham ain, Executive Director l7 18 NOTICE OF APPEAL RIGHTS 19 YOU ARE ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW 20 MAY BE OBTAINED BY FILING A PETITION FOR REVIEW WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM THE 21 SERVICE OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW IS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 22 ORS 183.482 TO THE OREGON COURT OF APPEALS. PAGE 2 - DEFAULT ORDER OF LICENSE REVOCATION - McCRACKEN . CERTIFICATE OF MAILING l hereby certify that l served the foregoing Default Order Denial of Reinstatement of Revoked License, certified by me as such, by mailing U.S. First Class Mail and US. Certified Mail- Return Receipt Requested, addressed to: Terri Elizabeth McCracken PO Box 2960 W Petaluma CA 94953 Dated this” day of March 2003. BVIW/ .0144 1 AV I V49“) Melon Hanson Exec tIve As ‘gt ~ the Commission I I PAGE 1 - CERTIFICATE OF MAILING - McCRACKEN