BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the ) Administrative License of ) DEFAULT ORDER NANCY ANN HUNSDON ) SUSPENDING LICENSE ) On October 16, 1996, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission issued a Temporary Standard Administrative License to Nancy Ann Hunsdon, contingent upon clearance of the fingerprint cards submitted with her application. Hunsdon’s fingerprint cards were rejected by the Oregon State Police or the FBI. Hunsdon has been notified at least twice by U.S. Certified Mail—-Return Receipt Requested and U.S. First Class Mail that new prints are required for resubmission, but she has not responded to the re-requests. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Nancy Ann Hunsdon has applied for licensure and was issued a Temporary Standard Administrative License pending clearance of fingerprints by the Oregon State Police and FBI. 2. TSPC informed Hunsdon by U.S. Certified Marl-Return Receipt Requested and U.S. First Class Mail that her fingerprint cards had been rejected. The Commission ~ provided at least 21 days for the applicant to respond. {/ ‘. 3. Hunsdon has not responded to TSPC notices requesting resubmission of fingerprint cards. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Refusal to be finger-printed is grounds for denial of licensure under ORS 342.223(2). ORDER The Commission suspends the Temporary Standard Administrative License #912182, issued to Nancy Ann Hunsdon, for refusal to be fingerprinted. aka Dated this Ukifi day of git , 1997. TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION M By: David V. Myton, Executive Secretary PAGE 1—-PROPOSED ORDER-NANCY ANN HUNSDON NOTICE OF APPEAL OR RIGHTS ’ YOU ARE ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW MAY BE OBTAINED BY FILING A PETITION FOR REVIEW WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM THE SERVICE OF THIS ORDER. JUDICIAL REVIEW IS PUMUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORS 183.482 TO THE OREGON COURT OF APPEALS. DVM/cs CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that I served the foregoing order by mailing a true copy thereof certified by me as such by regular U.S. mail and by U.S. Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested to: NANCY HUNSDON 28794 HILLAIRE STREET EUGENE OR 97402 _ 74/3 / V i Dated this 02% v day of Agilzl/i/ ‘ , 1997. ,7 // ’ ' By: , Lé/Z unié/Q Charl ne A. Smith Secretary to the Commission PAGE 2--PROPOSED ORDER--NANCY ANN HUNSDON