O 1 BEFORE Ti-IB TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 in the Matter of the Teaching License of ) STIPULATION OF FACTS, 4 ) SURRENDERAND 5 DAVID JESS FARRIS ) ORDER 0F REVOCATION 6 The Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) issued a Notice of 7 Opportunity for Hearing on August l7, 2005 to David Jess Farris, charging Mr. Farris with 8 misconduct and proposing to suspend or revoke Mr. Farris’ teaching license or to otherwise 9 impose discipline. Mr. Farris requested a hearing. 10 After review of the matters alleged, Mr. Farris and the Commission have agreed that their ll respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to certain 12 facts and the revocation of Mr. Farris’ teaching license under OAR 584-050-0027. 13 In entering into this stipulation, Mr. Farris waives his right to a hearing to contest the . i4 charges, and he understands that the Commission will accept the surrender of his license and 15 revoke the license. Mr. Farris may reapply for a license afier one year in accordance with 16 OAR 584-050-0015(4). l7 Mr. Farris does not admit the charges in the notice. However, he acknowledges and 18 stipulates that there is sufficient evidence in the record for the Commission to make the findings of i9 fact, conclusions of law and order set forth below, and he stipulates that the Commission may do so. 20 This stipulation and proposed order is contingent upon approval and adoption by the full 2i Commission. Ifthe Commission does not approve this stipulation and order, it is understood that 22 any waiver of rights by Mr. Farris is thereby revoked It is further understood in such event that the 23 statements contained in this stipulation may not be used by either the Commission or Mr. Farris. 24 l / / 25 / / / 26 l / / PAGE l - 2511-5359;ng 80F FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF REVOCATION (DAVID FARRIS) I O I’cl UBBt-—SES~BUE 35198 3'IH e05:80 90 91 REH O l IT IS SO S'IIPULATED: 2 Q“ ti 5g grail; 3132 ‘(26> 3 D esse Farris Date Victoria ain, Executive Director Date 5 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 6 7 FINDINGS 0F FACT 8 1. Mr. Farris has been licensed by the Commission since July ll, 2001. He 9 currently holds an Initial Teaching License with Multiple Subjects and Self-Contained 10 Endorsements that is valid until October 22, 2007. ll 2. Mr. Farris was employed as a sixth grade teacher at Ontario Middle School. Mr. 12 Farris was dismissed from his employment cifective January 5, 2005. l3 3. During the 2003-2004 school year, Mr. Farris engaged in inappropriate physical 14 and verbal conduct of a sexual nature with minor male students. Inappropriate conduct included . 15 permitting 6"’ grade male students to sit on Mr. Farris’ lap, giving massages and full body hugs 16 to 6"‘ grade male students, permitting students to tell inappropriate jokes, and making l7 inappropriate comments regarding ML Farris’ body to a 6‘h grade male student. 18 CONCLUSION OF LAW 19 1. During the 2003-2004 school year, Mr. Farris engaged in inappropriate physical 20 and verbal conduct of a sexual nature with minor male students. This conduct constitutes gross 21 neglect of duty in violation of OAR 584-020-0040(4)(t). 22 / / / 23 I / / 24 / / / 25 / / / 26 / l I PAGE 2 - STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF REVOCATION (DAVID FARRIS) SDHIros/GENF6978 O B'fll 0829-88t3-BDB asFOEI 31H eggzgg SD SI RBH . l ORDER 2 The Commission accepts the surrender of David Jess Farris’ Initial Teaching License and 3 hereby revokes the license. 4 IT IS SO ORDERED this 9Q W day ofmf2006. 5 TEACHER ST ARDS PRACTICES COMMISSION 7 Victoria Cha 'n, Executive Director s I § M'difi' ‘ 10 .‘D" V 11A:t1?§;,1())21§111'3ti Jess Farris l 2 1 3 I 14 § ' 15 ' 16 l7 18 l 9 2O 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 PAGE 3 - STIPULATION OF FACTS, SURRENDER AND ORDER OF REVOCATION (DAVID FARRIS) SDH/roslGENP6978 O