V g‘ 1'" "W" "PM? a; , 1;: I 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSJW§212£§gaS E 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 In the Matter of the 4) 4 Teaching License of ) STIPULATION OF FACTS 5 ROSEANN JANKOWSKI ) ORDER OF REPRIMAND 6 ‘ ) AND PROBATION 7 On or about November 15, 2001, the Teacher Standards and Practices 8 Commission (Commission) received a complaint from Tan Hermens, a parent of 9 students attending Monument High School. A letter dated October 22, 2001, attached 10 to the complaint form alleged that Roseann Jankowski (Jankowski), a teacher at 11 Monument High School used inappropriate language in the classroom and violated 12 Standards of confidentiality. Additional information from complainant alleged Ms. 13 Jankowski formerly taught for Seattle Public Schools. l4 Ms. Jankowski fully cooperated with the Commission's investigation. After 15 review ofthe matters alleged, Ms. Jankowski and the Commission agree that their 16 respective interests, together with the public interest, are best served by a stipulation to 17 certain facts, the imposition of a Public Reprimand and a two (2) year probation. This 18 Order sets forth the facts upon which the parties have agreed and the sanction to be 19 imposed. In entering into this stipulation, Ms. Jankowski waives the right to a hearing to 20 contest the findings of fact, conclusion of law and order set forth below. 21 STIPULATION OF FACTS 22 1. On or about October 14, 2001, Ms. Jankowski signed and dated an 23 Application for Educator License Form C-1 for Initial Licensure. She falsely responded 24 "no" to character question, “3. Have you ever failed to complete a contract for education Page 1 STIPULATION OF FACTS , ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION - JANKOWSKI ' 1 services in any educational or school related position...?" Ms. Jankowski also omitted ; 2 her teaching experience at Garfield High School in Seattle, Washington. 3 2. On or about October 31, 2001, TSPC received a complete licensure packet 4 from Ms. Jankowski, including an Application for Expedited Service-Form C-3 from 5 Monument School District. On October 31, 2001, pursuant to the Expedited Service 6 Rule, TSPC authorized Ms. Jankowski to perform all the duties of the position for the 7 requested license. 8 3. Ms. Jankowski acknowledges that she should have responded “yes” to 9 character question .3, as she did in fact fail to complete a temporary contract for the 10 2000-2001 school year with Seattle Public School. A representative for Seattle Public 11 Schools verified that Ms. Jankowski requested she be released from her contract. Her .12 request was granted. 13 This stipulation is contingent upon approval and adoption of the Order by the 14 Commission. If the Commission does not adopt this Order, neither Ms. Jankowski nor 15 the Commission are bound by these Stipulations and Ms. Jankowski retains all rights to 16 a hearing on the allegations. 17 IT IS SO STIPULATED: W -.. . . 18 Q ~41 / / _ 19 )5!‘ 1 . - /..2 p 1/ 2o Rofl Jankowski Date 21 22 41m 14,5 émg. 1127101 23 Linda L. Samek, Deputy Director Date 24 Teacher Standards and Practices Commission 25 /// '26 /// Page 2 STIPULATION OF FACTS , ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION - JANKOWSKI I 1 Q 2 3 3 CONCLUSION 0F LAW 3 4 Ms. Jankowski violated OAR 584-020-0040(4)(c) when she failed to disclose to ‘ 5 the Commission that she failed to complete a teaching contract with Seattle Public 6 Schools. ‘ 7 ORDER 8 The Commission adopts the above Findings of Fact and imposes a Public 9 Reprimand on Ms. Jankowski. This Order shall serve as the Public Reprimand. 10 Furthermore, the Commission imposes a two (2) year probation upon Ms. Jankowski 1 1 subject to the condition that Ms. Jankowski comply with all Standards for Competent .12 and Ethical Performance under Chapter 584, Division 020. 13 Violation of any of the terms of probation shall constitute an independent basis 14 for the Commission to revoke Ms. Jankowski’s teaching license or otherwise impose 15 discipline, after first providing Ms. Jankowski with notice and opportunity for hearing. 16 Dated this fiday of March 2002. - 17 TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION _ 18 p _ 19 By: 214 f é if? g 20 David V. Myton, E ecutive Director 21 22 APPROVED AS TO FORM 23 jam 41 M 24 25 Aruna A. Masih OSB# 97324 .3: Attorney for Roseann Jankowski ‘ Page 3 STIPULATION OF FACTS , ORDER OF REPRIMAND AND PROBATION - JANKOWSKI