mks/2058 11m; FAX 121002 1 BEFORE THE TEACHER STANDARDS AND PRACTICES COMMISSION 2 OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 in the Matter oi the ) STIPULATED FINAL ORDER 4 Administrator Registration of ) DENYING REGISTRATION 5 JAY RV JACKSON ) 6 7 8 0n or about December 10, 2007, Mr. Jackson applied to the Commission for registration 9 as a charter some! administrator. On May 15, 2008, the commission issued a Notice oi Denial 10 of Charter School Registration and Opportunity for Hearing on the basis of 0R8 342.143i2) and ‘ ‘ 11 OAR 584~020-0040(3)(b). Mr. Jackson requested a hearing. '12 The Commission and Mr. Jankson agree that their respective interests. togetherWifll the 13 public interest, are best served by a stipulated order denying Mr. Jackson's application tor 14 charter school Administrator Registration. 15 By signing below. Mr. Jackson acknowledges, understands, stipulates. and egress to the _ 16 following: (i) he has been fully advised oi‘ his rights to notice of charges and a hearing to 17 contest the allegations, and fully and finally weivee all such rights and any rightsto appeal or 18 otherwise challenge this Stipuieted Final Order; (ii) this stipulated Final Order is a public - 19 document and disolosed to the public upon request by the Ootnmisslcm; (fit) this Simulated Final 20 Order is contingent upon and subject to approval and adoption by the Commission. ii the 21 Commission does not approve and adopt this Slipuietsd Final order. then neither Mr. Jackson 22 nor the Commission are bound byttre terms herein; (iv) he has iuiiy reed this Stipulation and 23 Final Order, and understands it completely; (v) he voluntarily enters into this Stipulated Final 24 Order and consents to issuance and entry of the stipulated Final Order beiow; (vi) he has 26 aciVissd of his right to cotrnsel and has elected to pmceod without counsel and waives any and 26 all rights to consult with an attorney prior to entering into this stipulated Final Order and 27 issuanoe and entry of the Stipulatsd Final Order below. 28 Paget Simulated Finli Order“ .l. JACKSON ' 11/25/08 TUE 11 : so [TX/RX N0 74341 mks/zoos 11m; FAX loos 1 anmes OF FAcT 2 1. Mr. Jackson applied for a Charter School Administrator Registration on 3 Deoember 10, 2007. Mr. Jackson has been llcemod as en attorney in Oregon since 1976. ' 4 2. ln 1986, Mr. Jackson was admonished by the Dragon State Bar for neglect of a 6 legal matter and failure to cooperate with disciplinary counsel. Mr. Jackaon dlcl not disclose fll' 6 provide a detailed explanation of thls discipline tn his application to the Ocrnmlselon. 7 i 3. in 1996, Mr. Jackson was reprimanded by the Dragon Slate Bar for neglect of a 8 legal matter. Mr. Jackson dlcl not disclose or provide a detalled explanation ol‘ this discipline in 9 his application to the Commission. 1O 4. In 1989, Mr. Jackson was suspended from the pmctlca at léw for 30 days for ' 11 fainng to malnteln client records and falling to auoount for client funds. 12 5. in 2008. Mr. Jackson was suspended from the practice of Law for 180 days for 13 neglect of a legal matter. making e misrepresentation to a lrlhunai, conduct preludlcial to the 14 administration alluultco, and engaging in conduct lnvolvlng misrepresentation. Mr. Jackson has 15 appekredmémauemme Oregon Supreme Court. 16 6. During the 200642007 school year, Mr. Jackson claimed that unregistered 17 persons teaching at Sand Ridge Charter School were not mquirad to bo reglstered with tho . 18 Commission, 1 9 20 IT IS SO PULATE 21 fi% __7_L_// '1 -" a __,__ 22 R Dale 23 _ fl) _ 24 My”) ‘>2 “M '07 gg ¥§§§22rcsqmards and Pmaegngnfikslcn Date 27 Page 2 Stipulated Final Orderw-l. JACKSON i i 11/2s/oa TUE 11 = 56 [TX/RX N0 14.141 nus/zoos 11:51 FAX ' @1004 1 concLusrons OF LAW 7 2 Based on paragraphs 2 to 6 above, Mr. Jackson failed to prove that he ls a person tit to 3 hold registration tl'om the Commission pursuant to 0R8 342.143(2) 4 ORDER 6 Based on the foregoing, Mr. Jackson's application for a Charter School Administrator 6 wobttation is hereby denied and his right to apply is suspended for 1 year from the data of this . 7 stipulated Final Order. 8 - o/ gt) 1 Mm“? o tr lS so ORDERED in“? day oi . 10 l 1'1 TEACHER ANDARDS ANQ PRACTICES COMMIS$ION . 12 4”” M / 13 ="Q1 441:4!” 1/.//4 1L1, I444 14 Victor 7 r; J'rlain, Ex - ve Dire - r 15 [11mm Page 3 stipulated Final Ordere J. JACKSON 11/25/08 TUE 11 z so [TX/RX no 14341